Cookie Dough Connoisseur (SMUT/Mature)

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*Fair warning, this one contains some mature content. Be warned.*

You were standing in the kitchen making your mother's famous chocolate chip cookie recipe. Tom was finishing showering and washing up, then he would come and help you at his usual time: after the mixing was done. He loved to lick the cookie dough off the spoons before you guys molded the cookies into their proper shape.

Footsteps started at your shared bedroom and came into the kitchen. You could hear the faintest dripping of water. He was still wet, probably only in a towel. Silly Tom.

"Y/N, those smell amazing," he cooed as he came to your side. He pressed a wet kiss to your shoulder. You shivered. He knew exactly what he was doing.

"To-om," you whispered and clicked the mixer off. His arm snaked around your waist and he hugged you from behind. He pressed his pelvis into your back.

"Uh-oh," he chuckled softly in your ear. His breath tickled your neck, making every hair on your back stand on end. "I'm getting you all wet." His hands gripped your waist. You didn't mind. You loved when he was like this.

"These cookies are going to be bad if we leave them out," you pointed out, motioning to the cookie dough. "I promised your mom we'd make some."

Tom's body left yours and you felt cold suddenly. Some drawers opened and he ripped off some plastic wrap. He removed the bowl and made sure it was sealed. Then, he grabbed the spinners from the mixer. You giggled and tried to take the other one, but he held it behind his back.

"Tom! Come here," you laughed as you twisted around his body, trying to reach for the other mixer. You came really close, and suddenly your face was just inches away from his. Tom exhaled, stopping as still as a statue. You pressed your lips to his, feeling him relax under your touch. Your hand pressed against his chest and his arms came back to the front of him. Then you grabbed it.

"HA!" You pulled away and licked a big piece of cookie dough off the mixer. Tom's face fell and he frowned.

"No fair! You tricked me when you kissed me," he whined. You winked at him, leaning against the kitchen counter as you licked your mixer. As you looked over to him, both of you just stared at each other. His pupils were growing in size as he looked at you.

He took his sweet time, stepping over to you. He placed his mixer on the counter. You were still engrossed in your own cookie dough treat.

"Mmm," you hummed as you finished off the rest of it. Tom's hands gently held your hips. His eyes were still staring into yours. You smirked. "That tasted good. I'm good in the kitchen."

"I can think of other places you're good in, too," he whispered, his lips hovering just above yours. He pulled away as you leaned in, teasing you. He chuckled at you, his hands slipping under your shirt.

"You win," you said and pressed your lips against his. His hands went wild, reaching up to your bra. He sneaked his way to your bare breasts and you gasped. He knew exactly what turned you on. You opened your eyes and met his.

"Come with me," he whispered, removing his hands from your breasts and sliding his left arm around your waist. You followed him into the bedroom. He shut the door behind you both, even though you lived alone and he had taken the key from Harrison after the last time he had accidentally walked in on you both.

Tom's lips found yours again and you both slowly made your way to the bed. You decided to switch things up. You twisted around, gently pressing Tom into the bed sheets and straddling him. You paused, feeling his length press against your groin.

"Is this alright?" You ask in a soft tone. He nods and sits up, wrapping his arms around your waist.

"I love it when you do this. It's so hot," he whispers before locking lips with you again. Your lips are dancing with each other. Soon he slips his tongue into your mouth.

His hands find your bra strap and you feel it loosen. He pulls it out from under your shirt in one swift tug. He tosses it down to the floor. Next, he goes for your sweats. His hand slides and his thumb rubs against your clit. You moan again. He stops.

"It's your turn," he coos and turns you over so he's on top. He starts with kisses to your lips, then your neck, then just above your nipple. He's taking his sweet time and it's driving you crazy.

"Tom," you beg. He looks up to you as he presses kisses to your lower stomach, then he breathes just above your clit. Your hips buckle and he laughs. His tongue glides over your center, causing you to close your eyes. Then he starts to make circles down below. He continues for a few minutes. With each passing moment, you clutch his curls tighter. A warmth starts in your stomach, growing until it starts to overtake you. Then, all of a sudden, he stops. You look at him as he comes up to eye level with you, smiling.

"Why do you always do that?" You ask and pull him closer to you. He grins as you ruffle his hair, giving him a long, deep kiss.

"Because I can," he chuckles. You move your hands down to his waist, pulling at his towel. Once you remove it, his dick hits his pelvis. He looks deep into your eyes, pressing his forehead against yours. You turn both of you over, returning to the top. Now, his penis is rubbing right against your vagina. His eyes roll back in his head and you can tell it's driving him mad.

"Y/N," he moans and looks up at you from his pillow.

"Hmmm?" You ask, knowing full well what he wants. You take your time, grabbing the bottom of your shirt with your hands. You pull it off, tossing the last piece of clothing on your body to the floor. He stares at you, almost no brown left in his eyes.

"You're the most beautiful girl in the world," he says with a grin, reaching up to kiss you. You lean in, giving him a short kiss before kissing down his stomach. Your tongue trails just above his erect penis. He moans and buckles as you barely touch his tip with your lips.

You go down on him, taking your time, up and down. You can always tell when he's close. His hands reach for your hair and twist his hands in your long curls. His moans grew louder and more frequent. After another minute or so, you come up and return to your straddling position over his crotch. He is practically shaking, but he turns you over and reaches into his bedside table drawer, slipping on a condom. He looks at you, his eyes boring into yours.

"Ready?" He whispers. You nod. He slides himself in. You shut your eyes and reach for his hands. He intertwines his fingers in yours, pressing more kisses to your neck, your weak spot.

"I love you, Y/N," he says in between kisses.

"I love you,Tom." He smiles as he finally reaches your nipples. You arch your back. He begins to move, thrusting into you slowly at first. Then increasing his speed.

"Tom, I'm--"

"Me too," he says. A shiver spreads throughout your body, and then pure bliss. You squeeze his hands as you climax, and then moments later, he freezes and cums too. He rests his body on yours, pulling himself out and laying right beside you for his favorite part of this: spooning. You huddle into his embrace and sigh.

"That was nice," you say with a smirk on your face. Tom gasps.

"Just 'nice'?" He asks, offended. You turn to him to see his look of horror on his face.

"No, it was amazing. As always," you say and press a kiss to his lips. One of his arms wraps around your waist and the other cradles his head so he can look at you properly.

"Should we finish the cookies?" He asks and moves some hair out of your face. You shake your head and he raises an eyebrow.

"Let's just cuddle for a while. Is that okay?" You ask him. You turn and he presses kisses into your shoulder, pulling you close to him so there's no air between the two of you.

"That's a perfect idea."

*This is my first time writing/posting this sort of thing so let me know what you think.  Should I write more?*

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