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You and Tom had been friends for about half a year. It was all thanks to Harrison, who introduced the two of you when the three of you went to see The Greatest Showman in theaters. Naturally, you and Tom got each other right away. You developed a liking to each other and the three of you hung out all the time. Except this time, it was only you and Tom.

"I wonder what Harrison is up to," you said to Tom. You crossed your ankles and looked out to the pond in front of you. Tom's lips curved into a smile and he took a small sip of his Coca-Cola.

"I'm more curious what that swan is doing," Tom pointed to a lone swan in the middle of the lake that kept ducking down and coming back up. Up and down. It was like he was stuck on repeat. You laughed and shook your head. Tom grinned to you.

"Do you remember that time we went bowling?"

"Mm-hm," he hummed and looked over to you. "What about it?"

"The pizza that we ate there tasted exactly like the pizza from the corner street," you pointed to your empty plates. He raised an eyebrow.

"Interesting," he said. "We should sue." You chuckled.

"Over a slice of pizza tasting similar?" You inquired. He shrugged and leaned his head all the way back on the blanket you brought for the both of you that day.

"Can I ask you something, Y/N?" He asked and turned his head to you. You twisted your body to look down to him. He had brought his arms over his six pack. You always told him how much you envied his body, when he always insisted you were just as fit.

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Why don't you date anyone?" He asked. You paused and looked back to the lake. Tom cleared his throat. "I didn't mean that like something bad but I was just curious."

"I just haven't found someone I like that way, I guess," you brought your knees to your chest and held them close to you. The lie slipped out rather easily. "I'd rather wait for someone I want to be with then be with someone just for the sake of not being alone. You know?"

Tom sat up and mirrored your position. He nodded, still looking at you as you watched the stubborn swan, still ducking in and out of the water like he was looking for gold. The image made you smile.

"Well, I like someone," he said finally. Your smile dropped but you did your best not to show it. You had a small crush on Tom. Not because he was cute, even though he was incredibly cute. But because he was easy to talk to. He was someone you could spend hours talking to. And you had spent hours talking to him before. All night once on his couch over a bottle of merlot.

"Oh, that's great," you said in an octave higher than normal. You glanced over to him. His eyes were bright and you could tell he really liked her. Whoever she was. "What are you going to do?"

"I'm not sure," he started and crossed his legs. "You see, I don't want to mess it up. I've known her for a while and I don't want to mess it up." Thoughts started running through your head.

Who could he be interested in? He's been so busy with filming and everything. Some mornings he's busy. He always tells me he's at the coffee shop or with Harrison. Maybe Harrison introduced them. If he's happy, I should be happy for him. That's it.

"If you know her, it should be easy to just ask her, right?" You asked and pulled some hair out of your face. Tom stared at you for a second and nodded.

"You're right." He paused and took a deep breath. You did the same. Or you were going to show how hurt you were. Or worse, you'd cry. You didn't want to be a baby about it. More than anything, you wanted Tom's friendship. Instead of looking at him and risking it, you stared out at the pond and tried to telepathically tell the swan to stop being stupid.

"What are you doing Friday?" He asked you. You squinted at him.

"I was just going to stay at home. Why? I thought you had plans," you said, remembering the dinner plans he told you about two weeks prior with his grandparents. He smirked. You sipped your water.

"I did, but dinner was rescheduled. Do you want to go on a date with me?" You nearly choked on your water. Tom patted your back and jumped to the rescue, finding some tissues in your backpack.

"What?" You asked him once more. You swore you heard that wrong. Tom's eyes widened as he handed you napkins and you did your best to recover from your tragic reaction to his question.

"Do you want to go out with me?" He asked, this time putting his hand on your dry hand, the one you hadn't coughed nearly all your water into. You smiled, even though your eyes were tearing up from before. You nodded, coughing still.

"Thomas, I swear to God," you muttered. He chuckled with the same joyful look on his face.

"What? What did I do?" He said before you went to shove him. He held up his hands to protect himself, laughing the entire time.

"You asked me how to ask a girl you like out and the entire time I thought it wasn't me," you said with a smile on your face. Tom stopped and pulled your hands down from in front of him. His jaw dropped.

"I knew it!" He cheered. "I knew you liked me," he said and poked your nose with one of his fingers. You rolled your eyes. Both of you returned to your previous sitting position, except this time, Tom made sure to scoot closer so your bodies were touching.

"Secret's out, I guess," you said. You cocked your head to the side and looked into his brown eyes. "So where's dinner?"

"Oh," he nudged you with his elbow. "That's a surprise." You shoved him playfully and rested your head on his shoulder. "How long have you liked me?"

Your cheeks flushed red. You lifted your head off of him. You tried to scoot away and he whined, tugging your arm back to your spot next to him.

"Oh come on," he said and patted the ground beside him. "Come sit a while? Please?"

You nodded and gave him a smile. You returned your head to his shoulder, letting his arm wrap around your waist. It was the scene you'd been imagining in your head for three months: Tom and you sitting together planning your date, all the while that confused swan continued to splash about in the water in the distance.  

Tom Holland One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now