Saved By The Bell (Peter Parker/Spider-man)

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You and Peter Parker were only classmates.  You didn't know him too well, other than he was pretty flaky.  You'd seen what he did to Liz at the Homecoming dance, how often he just disappeared for no reason.  You'd come to one conclusion, that boy was definitely busy with something he didn't feel like sharing with everyone.  He had a secret.  

It was any ordinary school day.  Your last period of the day was study hall, which you spent working on homework because all of your friends had different classes at that time.  Otherwise, you'd be with them probably talking about the latest songs and movies coming out.  Your mind was fried from staring at Chemistry in the library for the last thirty minutes.  When you looked up at the clock, you had only five more minutes left to go.  Come on, let's get this show on the road.

"Y/N!"  Someone started to shake your shoulders.  You took out your earbuds and was met face to face with Peter, who looked petrified.  His eyes were wide and his hair was a mess.  He was still in his Midtown High sweater and jeans.  "You have to get out of here!"

"Why?  Class isn't out yet," you told him.  All of a sudden, there's a giant explosion.  You jumped under the table, watching the bookshelves fifteen feet to your right start to topple to the ground.  Peter grabbed your hand.  

"Come on," he said and pulled you out of the library.  You grabbed your phone and left your textbooks.  Whatever it was, this was no time to worry about your science homework.  Peter and you ran through the hallway, finally coming to the end of the hall where the doors opened up to the street below.  He panted, pointing ahead of the both of you.

"Go!"  He yelled, turning back the other way.

"What about you?"  You shouted back to him.  He didn't answer.  Peter better not be doing something stupid.  But something told you to trust him.  You pushed open the doors and saw dozens of others outside.  All of your friends, teachers, everyone was outside.  Everyone but Peter.  

"Y/N!"  Someone screamed out to you.  You jogged down the stairs, ignoring the feeling of the stairs underneath you.  It didn't matter, this point you just needed to get away from Midtown.  Whatever was happening wasn't good.

"Gotcha!"  Someone snatched you into their arms, pulling you into the air.  You screeched at the top of your lungs, suddenly thrust into the air by someone flying on a motorized flying machine of some sort.  You turned to your captor, seeing nothing but green and a devilish smile.

"Help me!  Someone help me!"  You yelled as loud as you could, but you kept ascending into the sky.  You were headed for the taller buildings.  Behind you, as the man held onto you, you saw a man in blue and red, swinging through the air.  Spider-man.  "Spider-man!  Help me!"

"Haha, Spider-man won't be able to get to you in time," your captor cackled, pausing mid-flight above a busy city street.  He held you out with one hand.  "Spider-man!  Come get your crown jewel!"

Then, he dropped you.  The wind rushed through your hair and whipped your clothes around.  You screamed, holding tight to your phone and reaching your hands up to the sky.  Please, Spider-man!

Two arms cradled you, and you were moving through the air once again.  You didn't realize you were crying until you stopped screaming.  Then you looked at who caught you.  A masked man with blue and red covering his entire body.

"Are you okay?"  He asked.  The voice sounded a little familiar but you couldn't pinpoint it.  You only nodded.  

"My friend Peter...he was in the building.  I don't know about him," you admitted, looking back to the school, which was now blocks away.  The masked man shook his head.

"I wouldn't worry.  Peter is a good friend of mine.  He's okay," Spider-man said, jumping down to the street below.  You both were in front of Delmar's, one of Peter's favorites.  You often saw him here on your walk home.  

"Thank you," you whispered.  Spider-man waved, shooting a web into the air.

"Anytime," he said, before he disappeared into the air in the direction of the green monster.  

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