Morning Perfection

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Two months ago, you and Tom moved in together.  You'd been dating--long distance--for about a year, until finally Tom surprised you on your anniversary with a list of apartments in London for the two of you.  Finally, after about a month of looking for places, you both decided on one nestled close to his family with just enough space for you two and Tessa.  

Most mornings you'd wake up by yourself.  Tom was busy lately filming for a couple different projects, so you had your own routine: wake up, go to work, take care of Tessa.  But Tom had returned from his latest project, so you two were finally in the same house.

Under your giant king size comforter, you pulled the covers over your body.  Whenever you did this and Tom was in bed, he would groan, pull them closer to him and then wrap himself around you like a koala, making you laugh like an idiot.  But there was no groaning.  No arms wrapped around you.  Was it all just a dream?

Just then, a pair of lips press against your forehead.  You giggle and open your eyes, staring at a pair of brown eyes.  

"Hey, sleepy head," Tom whispers and lowers his lips to yours.  "I'm still jet lagged and didn't want to wake you."

"It's okay," you press a kiss to his lips.  You wrap your arms around his neck.  He falls on top of you, going limp with his lips still on yours.  You laugh into his kiss as he rolls off of you, wrapping his arms around you.  You turn to face him.  There's little to no air between either of you now.  Tom can't wipe the cheesy smile off his face, even with the bags under his eyes from lack of sleep.

"It's so nice to have you back," you tell him.  He nods, pulling his right arm up to run his fingers through your hair, just like he does when the two of you are about to go to sleep.

"I missed you, endlessly," he says.  "I wish you could have come with me."

"Next time," you tell him, running a hand through his messy curly hair.  Your stomach rumbles.  Tom grins wider.

"Come with me," he pulls you by the hand, throwing the covers off of you.  The two of you are speed walking through your apartment.  Tessa runs up and licks your leg, startling you, as you both enter the kitchen.  One sniff of the air and you know right away.

"You made breakfast," you trail off as you get a sight of the table.  There's an array of food, each on its own plate.  Tom has already left you standing by the dining room table.  He pulls out a chair for you, looking back to you.

"Care for some coffee, love?"  He asks.  You come over and sit at the chair he pulled out.  He pushes it in and dips down for one more kiss on your lips.  Then he disappears into the kitchen.

"The usual?"  He asks.

"Yes, thank you," you tell him.  He comes back with two full coffee cups and some milk and sugar.  He sits in the adjacent chair.  "This is literally perfect.  I can't believe you did all this."

Tom grabs your hand.  Tessa comes next to both of you, wagging her tail and waiting for some love.  You both look down to her and smile.  

"I love you," he says and leans in.  You kiss once more.  You can't stop smiling when you both pull away.

"I love you more," you say, taking some food.  The two of you help yourself to Tom's display of breakfast food before you head over the couch to curl up with Tessa under a giant blanket, pop in a few DVDs and spend some much needed time together. 

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