Change of Plans (Peter Parker)

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You have had a crush on Peter for the longest time.  After watching him pine after Liz, you were convinced that he would never like you or see you in the same way.  That all changed after your latest tutor session with him for chemistry.

"So you see, this is why the equation has double the hydrogen as the solution you calculated before," Peter pointed with his ballpoint pen to the paper, looking up to you with intense eyes.  "Do you see it?"

Honestly, you didn't understand it entirely.  But in the last two years of being classmates with Peter, you knew one thing: he was the smartest kid you knew.

"Not entirely, but I'll have to study that later.  I think it's time for me to go," you say and check your watch.  It's almost five, which means you should be arriving home soon.  Otherwise your family will be worried.  Peter stops you as you grab your books.

"Wait, I wanted to ask you something," Peter pauses, messing with the sleeve of his shirt.  "Do you like pizza?"

"Yeah, I do," you tell him.  You laugh a little bit, seeing Peter squirm a little in his chair.  Then he smiles.

"Well, I know this place nearby that has the best slice in town.  Do you want to get a slice with me?  I know it's on your way home," he says and zips up his backpack.  You nod and push in your chair.  He stands next to you, beaming.  

"That would be nice," you tell him.  He's smiling wide at this point as the two of you exit the library.  You both are the only people in the library, which is surprising for a Tuesday afternoon.  The robotics club is working off campus on a special project for an upcoming competition, and the academic decathlon team didn't have practice today.  Which is why the both of you had the opportunity to study before five.

"So, what do you do these days?"  You ask Peter.  He looks startled for a second.  "I mean since you quit robotics, decathlon, and all that."

"I have the Stark internship," he says and looks down to his shoes.  "Today Mr. Stark didn't need me."

"Oh," you say as you both push open the front doors of Midtown.  The descending sun hurts your eyes for a second until you adjust.  Peter and you rush down the steps.  He leads the way, turning towards the east gate.

"How's decathlon?"  He asks slowly.

"It's not the same without you.  Flash is, you know, being Flash," you scratch the back of your head and chuckle.  Peter shrugs.  He opens his mouth to say something, but something interrupts him.

BAM!  Across the street, a small explosion goes off.  Peter's eyes grow to the size of golf balls and without thinking, you latch onto him.

"Holy crap!"  You scream and Peter turns to you, sliding out of your grasp.  

"Meet me at the corner of Main and 68th," Peter shouts before he sprints away.  You watch as he runs into an alley.  Why would he ask me for pizza and then ditch me?  You're pissed, upset, until you see a red and blue suited man leap into the air, going right into the explosion.  He comes out holding onto some children covered in ash, before he glances over in your direction.  He gives you a wave before he shoots another web to a building and disappears.

Sometime later at the corner of Main and 68th, Peter emerges from the opposite direction.  He gives you a sheepish smile, running a hand through his now tangled up hair.

"I'm sorry," he said, looking to the pizza shop.  "Are you still hungry?"  

"It's okay.  Let's get some pizza," you tell him.  He opens the door for you, holding it as you both step inside.  You don't mutter a single word to him, but you know the truth now: Peter Parker, the boy you had a crush on, was Spider-man all along.  

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