Model Behavior

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*Some smut and fluff in this one...Let me know what you think! I'll try to post at least one of these a day!*

"Y/N! Chin up higher! Shoulders back. There you go," the photographer yelled to you. You did as she said. Her voice echoed throughout the studio.


"You are stunning!" Andrea, the photographer, grinned at you with a smile as white as the photoshoot backdrop.


You turned and tossed your hair over your shoulder. Just as your first true model friend, Brittany, had shown you. You parted your lips just a little bit and looked into the camera. It was the "lusty look" as Brittany had taught you. And it worked. Every. Single. Time.

"Let's take ten!" Andrea held out her hand to you. You stepped carefully down the steps of the set in your four inch heels. You hated heels. Mostly because the last time you had worn them, you had tripped and fallen. On stage at Stella McCartney's fashion week show. Needless to say, it was embarrassing and you were on nearly every single magazine for about a week.

"There's my princess," a familiar accented voice said as you kicked off your heels. Someone snatched them off the floor. You wrapped your arms around your boyfriend, Tom, and gave him a peck on the lips.

"Hey, my prince. I'm happy you made it," you dropped your arms to your side and he reached for your hand. He was smiling like a little kid who had just been given free candy.

"I wouldn't have missed this. Plus, you come to all of my work things," he said with a twist of his head. A curl fell in front of his forehead and he pushed it away. "Can I steal you away for a little? Since you have ten minutes?"

You glanced around. Everyone was busy doing something. Andrea was checking over the photos. Three crew members were cleaning up and preparing your next outfit. The timer on the wall read eight minutes. It was now or never.

"Yeah, I just have to come back in time," you said and tugged his arm towards the door. He nodded and stepped in front of you both to lead the way. Both of you pushed open the heavy white metal doors and entered the hallway. It was eerily quiet. Not a single soul was there. Everyone was working or on a different floor.

Tom's hands pushed open the family restroom, sliding both of you in. He flicked on the lights and locked the door. You smirked at him as his hands ventured to your hips.

"Tom," you started as his lips softly crashed against yours. You smiled into the kiss and pulled away to look at him. Your hands twisted the hairs on his neck in your fingers. He was still staring into your eyes. "Are you trying to play 'seven minutes in heaven' with me?"

"I remember distinctly on one of our first dates," Tom paused and licked his lips. "You told me in high school, you went to a party and you were the only one who didn't participate. I thought I would allow you to experience it properly."

"It's charming how much you try to live up to my fantasies when you really don't have to try so hard," you giggled. He angled his head and leaned in, giving you a long passionate kiss. It was slow at first, making your insides turn to jello like they always do whenever he does something sweet like this.

"Well, you're my biggest fantasy, so I only want to return the favor," he whispered in between kisses before attaching his lips to your neck. Your breathing hitched. You tightened your hold on his neck.

"Tom, if they see any hickeys," you warned.

"Shh," he pulled away and looked at your neck. "There's not even a mark." You raised an eyebrow at your British boyfriend.

"Are you sure?" You asked him. He leaned in to kiss you again, but you dodged. He pouted, glancing back down to your neck again.

"I'm positive." You smiled and gave him another kiss, gliding your tongue along his bottom lip. He returned the favor and his hands explored up your cream colored top. They were cold but you caved under his touch.


"Y/N? We need you in two," Andrea's voice chimed through the doorway. "Actually...we should make sure your make-up is still good. So as soon as you can would be awesome."

You winced, making Tom laugh. He shook his head and pushed some stray hairs out of your face. He couldn't stop smiling and it made you smile too.

"You take pride in doing this, don't you?" He nodded and pulled down your shirt, checking to make sure you looked just like you had before. His thumb removed some stray lipstick with one swift swipe.

"You do the same thing to me too, darling. It's only fair," he said. His hand turned the knob and the door clicked open. You both entered the empty hallway, opening up the giant white metal doors. 

Tom trailed behind you. You turned to confirm your suspicion: he was totally looking down at your butt. When you caught him, he turned bright red and gave you a sheepish wave. Then he returned to his seat over by the refreshments, which you were only allowed after the photo shoot had finished for the day.

"Y/N, come have a seat," the make-up artist said and patted the black plastic chair. "Let's check your make-up one last time." She took a comb and parted your hair once more to the side. She put some more blush onto your cheeks, scanning every inch of your face to make sure that she hadn't missed a spot.

"Perfect," she said after two minutes of checking and reapplying what she needed. "Go see Andrea."

"Thank you," you mumbled and walked over to Andrea. She looked you up and down before giving you a warm smile. She handed you a navy blue sleeveless dress and nude colored tights.

"This is the last outfit. Until the photo shoot is over, please be careful about messing up your make-up and hair. It'd be easier if it stays how it is." Your cheeks turned red at Andrea's comment. In the corner of the room, Tom was chuckling and bent over laughing. But he was also red.

You went into the changing room, sliding the curtain closed and slipping out of your white two piece dress suit. Your phone, which was in your pocket, buzzed.

Tom: We gotta be careful, don't we?

You grinned and typed back a response before you changed into your last outfit of the long work day.

You: Better be on your best behavior, Tom!

Tom Holland One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now