Tutor for Hire (Peter Parker)

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You and Peter had known each other since kindergarten. You used to make mud pies together on the playground at the age of four, but now, you barely spoke. You had your friends and he had his. Your parents and his Aunt May still talked and occasionally you guys went to family functions, but other than that you didn't see him too much. Until second semester of sophomore year.

"Y/N, I can't believe we only have three classes together," your best friend, Y/B/N, complained and leaned against the metal blue locker. You grabbed your brand new English books and a fresh, clean notebook. You shut the locker and looked at your friend.

"I wish we had more classes together, I really do. We can still do homework together after school anyways," you told her. She nudged your shoulder and smiled.

"Well, duh. You're the only person I know who can make sense of Shakespeare," she said and walked a few steps away from your locker. "See you at lunch?"

You waved and looked down the hallway to the giant clock at the end. It was almost class time. Here goes first period.

You turned at the end of the hallway, snaking through the people until you came to room 103. It was English with Mr. Guzman. There was only one seat left: right behind Peter. You walked down the middle row and sat behind him, offering him a smile before grabbing your things. Ned, sitting next to Peter, kicked his foot. They both whispered something to each other. Peter looked at you out of the corner of his eye. Weirdos.

"Welcome to my English class. You all probably have guessed by now, but my name is Mr. Guzman. Please take out Romeo and Juliet." Everyone took out their books. You noticed Ned glancing at you. You gave him a small smile and put your head in your book, listening to Mr. Guzman. This was going to be a long fifty minutes.


"Don't forget to read Act 1 tonight for homework! Come with three questions. Three minimum!" Mr. Guzman rose his voice above the shouts and chatters of twenty-something students. You slid your stuff into your book bag and zipped it up. If you were lucky, you'd be able to catch Y/B/N for a few minutes before you both had to go to Biology.

Someone's hand grabbed your arm when you got out into the hallway.

"Hey, Y/N," Peter said a little breathlessly. Ned was standing behind him giving you the same awkward smile.

"Hey, Peter. What's up?" You ask and start to move away from the door.

"We were wondering--"--Ned clears his throat behind the two of you--"--sorry, I was wondering if you could help me with English. You know, I just want to make sure I get it right, and I remember you are good at this stuff." You look at Peter. He waits, his mouth slightly open. You glance back to Ned and see him look down to his phone, pretending that he wasn't setting this all up. Smooth.

"Sure. You can join Y/B/N and I. We meet in the library after school," you offer. "Do you still have my number?"

"Y-Yes," Peter says and fumbles for his phone. "That would be great. So I'll text you?"

"Yup." You look back to Ned and give him a smile. "You're welcome too, Ned." Ned and Peter exchange looks. "I'll see you boys later." You wave to them and head down the hall, leaving one of the more awkward interactions you've ever had with Peter. You hear the boys behind you whispering to each other.

"Dude! I had it handled," Peter says to Ned. Ned scoffs.

"Don't drag me into your plans. She's all yours, man," Ned says. They both stop and go on talking about the newest comic book release. You stumble right into Y/B/N, as if on cue.

"Hey, I was just looking for you," she says and glances ahead of you both. "Coming to Bio?"

"Yeah. Let's go." You take one last look behind you to see Peter looking at you. He sees you and his eyes widen. He glances to Ned who laughs at Peter's nervousness. You shake your head, continuing on with your best friend to go to your next class.

*This one was short, but let me know what you think! Should I write more like this?*  

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