chapter 28

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Lanas pov.

Chuck decided to sit across the table from me sitting next to Lizzy Plapinger from MsMr and next to Emmie from Emmies house, I was recently introduced to her but from Marina I can tell she's a sweetheart.

"Let's start eating!" I say as everyone else sits down. They laugh and start digging in.

I was In a conversation with Marina when I felt a hand rise up my thigh. "Marina not now" I say quietly. she looks up from here food with concern. "Stop what?" I look at her hands which and both in her lap. I quickly turn to Charli who is softly laughing. "Stop what Elizabeth?" Marina asks again sternly. "Nothing babe." I say still making eye contact with Charli"

"I'm going to go get dessert ready" I say before clearing the table. I walk into the kitchen and I feel two arms wrap around my waist. I slowly laugh. I turn around and kiss Marina. just to my expectation it wasn't her it was Charli. I quickly stopped kissing her and ran to the bedroom and locked the door.

Now crying I sit on the bed. "Elizabeth open up!" Marina said banging on the door. "Elizabeth open up!" I open the door and close it after marina walks in.

"Marina...I...I...Kissed Charli." I look up at her crying. "I thought she was you! she wrapped her arms around my waist like you do and I turned around to kiss you I thought...but it was her! I ran out of the kiss right after." I look at her who isn't saying anything. "At the dinner table" I continue to speak. "her hand was on my thigh and that's why I told you to stop because I thought it was you." I run over to the bed.

"Why am I such a fuck up! I mess everything up!" Marina walks over to me and pats my back. As she lays down next to me I see her now black hair fall off the corner of the bed. "Lana it's not your fault." she sooths me as I continue to cry. "Why are you still dating me if I'm this much of a fuckup?" I ask her. She laughed.

"Because I love you babe. I love every inch of you. I love that you sometimes fuck things up! its adorable." I leaned into her. "Your the best thing that ever happened to me." I say as she kisses my forehead.

"Wait. what about our guests?" I say as u start to panic. "I  nicely asked them all to get the fuck out of my house." we both laugh at marinas idea of "nice".

"What are we going to do about charli? I don't want to be around her Marina" she rubs me back. "I know I know. We will deal with that later okay. Let's just get some rest. It's 4 in the morning." I agreed and we pulled the blanket over each other and slowly doze off.


How many times can I use the word slowly in a chapter?! sorry I just don't feel like finding another word instead.

I'm to lazy for this!

What should I do about Charli? 

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