Chapter 47

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Marinas pov.

And with that Lana was gone. She left in the taxi and was gone. I called a taxi myself and had the driver take me to burns. "Here's $40. Keep the change sir" I handed him the money and went to burns. He wasn't there so I decided to start packing all of my clothes into my suitcase. He came home just as I finished folding everything.

"What's this?" He said with the smell of whiskey on his breath. I wasn't scared of him anymore I knew that my heart belonged to lana. "I'm leaving." He didn't understand what I meant. "We're going home tomorrow not tonight. You know that marina" I ignored him and texted Lana telling her to drive over and wait in the car.

I took my suitcase outside and went back inside to see if I forgot anything. Burns grabbed me hard on my arms and tried to make me stay. "Your not leaving me. Not now not ever." He held me less than a breaths distance away from him. I was getting scared. I looked around the room to see if there was something I could hit him with and the only thing I saw in the short distance was a lamp.

I quickly broke out of his grip and grabbed the lamp and smashed it on his head. I think I knocked him out and I grabbed my bags and ran out. I kept running until I got to Lanas house.

"Lana! Open up! Lana!" I scream knocking on her door. I'm sure the neighbors are all watching me buy I could care less. Knowing that burns is probably mad as hell just makes me nervous I know that he'd probably going to want revenge.

Lana opens the door puzzled and I walk past her dropping my bags and searching her cabinets for alcohol. "I did it Lana I did it." I tell her as I pour some whiskey in a glass. "It's over. Burns and I are done" I take a sip of my whiskey and look up at Lana who looks amazed.

"You did? Your mine now? All mine?" I put the glass down and pull her towards me. "It's you and Mr from now on. No more fucking around with other promo. It's you and me for the rest of eternity." Lana is  speechless as I grab her face and kiss her.

"I love you baby" she tells me. I nod and tell her "My body is ready for you" that's enough for her she picks me and takes me to her bedroom. She takes off my clothes and I take off hers. "I want to give all of me to all of you" she kisses me hard and presses me against the bed. "We don't need nobody cause we got each othet" she reassures me. I push her hair out of her face and hold her next to me.


Hey dolls! I know I haven't posted in a while I've just been going through stuff.

I feel really bad that this chapter took so long.

I know this chapter isn't my best but I felt you all needed an update so here ya go!

Ily as always and stay beautiful! 

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