chapter 35

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Marinas pov.

After I kissed Elizabeth for the last time I caught a cab and had the driver take me to the airport. I paid him and paid for a ticket to London. "hey Lafina, I was wondering... tomorrow could you come pick me up at the airport?" I said on the phone with my sister. "Sure, why are you coming home so soon I thought you and Lana were gonna stay in New York longer." trying not to cry in such a public place I finally told her what happened. "Oh I'm so sorry love! I have to go into a meeting at work but I'm sure you will get over her." my sister said supportingly. I wanted to tell her I didn't want to get over her but she hung up. "Maybe having a sister as a doctor isn't the best." I told myself as I boarded the flight.

Hiding behind my sunglasses I wait to see Lafinas car. I spot it and climb in the back since her new boyfriend I'm guessing was sitting in the front. Lafina and her new boy are making out hard in the car. I clear my throat so they notice I'm here. "Oh" Lafina sends off an awkward laugh and fixes her smeared red lipstick. "Hello doll! Marina this is Todd my boyfriend." wasn't she dating a Ralph last time I saw her? "What ever happened to Ralph, I liked him" I say causing her to argue with Todd.

After Lafina dropped me off at a hotel I decided I would buy a home of my own. I called a real estate agency and made an appointment with a ms. Daniels next week.

being alone was depressing me so I thought of calling some friends and just bashing Elizabeth but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I checked my phone which was filled with messages from Elizabeth and 17 missed calls I decided not to even look at. I went on Twitter and my thumbs started doing there own thing whilst I sat numb at a table.

cheeters are complete crap

Electra will never love you again

those were only two of my many tweets that were aimed at Elizabeth. I decided to read her texts and the first one I saw 'was why did you call my Lana?' I forgot I called her that. I always called her by her real name but I guess I called her Lana because that's what people who don't know her call her. the rest of the texts were just I miss you and I love you and I made a mistake please come back. I ignored her a posted a picture on IG with the caption saying "the single life is the best life".  tired from the flight I fell asleep.


sorry for not updating fast my procrastinating  mind was like I can do it tomorrow and never did so sorry!

and this was just a quick filler chapter nothing really happened because I totally forgot what I was going to write so you got this peice of shit chapter.

vote and comment please!!!

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