Chapter 33

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Marinas pov.

"Liz wake up!" I say as I shake her body getting annoyed after her not waking up after half an hour. "ELIZABETH!" I scream in her ear. "what the fuck!" Liz says rubbing her head. "Oh your awake" I say with a laugh. "I made you lunch." I say handing her a grilled cheese sandwich. "Thanks babe" She says ignoring that it's nearly 4 in the afternoon. I kissed her cheek and fell on the bed next to her. "So today I was thinking we could go back to London" Her eyes looked up happy. "Really babe?" she looked like a kid who just got a present. then her smile dimmed. "But I just made a new friend here" She was obviously talking about that skank Charlotte

"About that  girl you showed me yesterday..."

Elizabeth looked up worried. "that girl has a name Marina. her name is Courtney."

"Whatever that bitches name is.." I take a breath and calm myself down. "What I was saying is, I kind of saw you guys kissing yesterday." I look down at the ground trying not to get emotional. Elizabeth puts her arms around me. "You know I only love you." I look at her in the eyes before standing up. "I hope so." I mumbled before taking her plate into the kitchen.


Short chapter but idk what to do with the story anymore I'm kinda lost the plot.

(Anyone else know marinas version of troubled mind? I just had to add that reference)

anyway I'm just having writers block with the story.


♡♡♡ ily! ♡♡♡

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