chapter 46

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Marinas pov.

The doctors wouldn't let me go in the room with Lana because they were doing test send seeing if she was okay. It's only been 15 minutes that she's been in there but it feels like it's been 15 hours. I've gotten many twitter notifications asking if she was okay and what the deal between us was.

I nervously tapped my feet tried not to freak out, I know it's not that bad she only fainted I think but i can't stop worrying. Soon a nurse came out "miss did you come in with Lana?" I nodded not being able to speak afraid I will cry. "Do you want to see her?" I very faintly said yes and followed the nurse through many hallways to get to Lana.

She opened the door to the room and told me the doctor will be in soon then waved as she left. I saw Lana on the bed and it looked like she was sleeping. "Oh Lana" I said as i held her hand in mine. "I love you babe."

Lanas pov.

I heard Marina tell me she loved me and opened my eyes to see her holding my hand in hers and looking down at the ground. I squeezed her hand and she quickly looked up at me.

Before I could say hi she kissed me and it was a deep kiss filled with lust and emotions. We heard a knock on the door and a nurse walked in just as marina was climbing off of the bed.

"Lana? Have you been taking your pills lately?" The nurse asked me and Marina looked up concerned. "Pills?" The nurse shot a look at marina and nodded. "Lana? Are you?" I looked up and shook my head. "Taking your pills are very important. If you would like to get off them we can lower your dose every couple months till you won't have to take then but you need to tale them so you won't have any anxiety attacks like this again. Got it?"

The nurse rambled on and on but I didn't pay attention because i knew Marina would take care of everything. "You should be good to go in a couple minutes after we get your paperwork ready for you to sign out." As soon as she left Marina shot me a glare.

"Lana. You need to take your pills. I was really worried about you today." She helped me out of the hospital gown and into my clothes. "Seriously babe, that was really scary." Marina was way to worried about this. "Let's just go home and take a nap" marina had a look that came across her face. "I cant...You see Burns-"

I cut her off "Burns, Burns, Burns." Who the fuck cares about that bum." I was tired of marina being with him. I wanted her all to myself. Just then the nurse came in and the tension in the air was thick i think she could feel ih between us. She led us out of the room and i walled outside leaving Marina behind. "Lana, wait up!" I could feel my fingers balling up and clenching. "Go off to burns because we all know you like him more."

"Don't be like that Lana. You know I only like you" I laughed in front of her. "Then why are you with him? Huh? Why?" I saw a cab coming and waved it over to me. I got into the car and gave the driver directions to my house and I left her speechless at the curb.


I honestly have no clue about what else to do with this story... sorry i have major writers block rn. I love you all though!

Stay strong fighters.

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