Chapter 30

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On my phone I couldn't see the chapter it was blank and I don't know if it was like that for you but I thought I would re-upload the chapter so that's why it's the same as yesterday.

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Marinas pov.

I Make it back to the hotel around 8:30 and Elizabeth is still sleeping soundly. I change back into my pj's and throw away the note i wrote for her and got in bed carefully trying not to wake my sleep beauty. I as got in Elizabeth reached out for me still asleep.

It's amazing that she can feel that magnetic feel pulling us closer together. She nudges into my chest using my breast as a pillow. I try not to laugh and i just look down at how gorgeous she is. Nothing can take her away from me. She means to much to me for her to leave me for somebody. I kiss her forehead and her eyelids flutter.

It amazes me knowing that after almost a year of dating in still have this effect on her. I slowly brush her autumn color hair out of her face and down her back.


Lanas pov.

"Marina I told you already I have to go do a performance today." she pouts. "So why can't I go with my girlfriend to her show" I looked at her blankly. "Do I really need to remind you about last time we were out in public together. Our fans went crazy with this "shipping" shit." Marina stood up. "Elizabeth Grant. Are you scared to be in public with me?" Why did I just day that! stupid stupid me. "No babe" Marina didn't believe me.

"So you don't want to make our relationship public to everyone. Your too scared to be seen with me in public? to scared to be seen with a girl? To scared to be with someone who loves you more than anything? Fine. Call me when your not scared to be seen with me and your not afraid to be yourself!"

With That Marina left me alone in the hotel. I tried to stop crying but i was alone here In New York now because chuck left after the dinner party to go visit our parents. I got myself together as best as I could. "Get it together Elizabeth, now get out of the hotel and go down to the theater.

I grabbed my purse and the key to the hotel and ran to the theater which was conveniently located 3 blocks away.


I look out on the stage before heading out. just as Mike told me it was sold out. I noticed a girl in the back who looked about 24 and she was standing looking up to the stage whilst everyone else was talking to someone. I waved at her. She looked as she didn't believe that i just waved i laughed and walked on stage.

"Hi my name is Lana del rey as you can probably tell, this is my show isn't it?" i made the girl in the back laugh. "At least one girl thinks I'm funny, Anyway my first song that i will be performing is from my  new album Ultraviolence and is called Brooklyn baby."

As I started singing the chorus the audience with my I looked up to see the mysterious girl singing as well.

throughout the show I made eye contact with her and she made me forget about the whole fight with Marina.

When I closed off the show I quickly ran to my assistant Jody and asked her to bring the girl to me asap!

"Hey Liz there's a girl here for you!" Jody said in her deep  voice. I turned around from the makeup chair in my dressing room to see her standing at the door, she let out a little chuckle and I introduced myself.

"Hi I'm Lana you probably already know that but you can Call me Elizabeth or lizzy or Liz. or whatever." I stopped embarrassing myself and sat down on the couch and patted her to sit down next to me. "You caught my eye during the show and I just had to meet you!" she let out a deep breath. "Wow. Lana , I mean Liz I just never thought I would be meeting you ever!" I brushed the hanging blonde hair out if her face. "What's your name doll?" I ask " name is Courtney." I studied her long narrow face. she was beautiful. she had amazing check bones and plump lips I just wanted to bi-

"Liz? did you hear me?" she asked I got knocked out of my thoughts. "Sorry Court, what did you say?" she looked down at the floor. "Why did you choose me? out of all people I mean not to be rude or anything but what would you possibly want with me, I mean look at me I'm a nobo-" I cut her off by kissing her plump lips. As soon as I pull away she grabs my face to pull me closer to her. I don't stop her.


What do you guys think of this "Courtney" girl?

And what do you want to happen with Marina?

vote and comment please!

ilysm! <3

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