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Sorry, I haven't been posting. Covid and the last two years was a wild rollercoaster for me mentally and physically which affected me not posting. Its crazy to think that I wrote this book over 4 years ago. I owe all my loyal readers the chance to read the completed version. This story isn't for the faint heart. Every logic and law of the universe will be broken to tell this story. Pain and pleasure will be a couple of the emotions experienced in this story. If you have the chance turn back now and don't read this story. This book will change your mind and the reader will experience intense emotions. The abandoned wolf cub will become the leader of a greater pack but with great responsibility comes great pains. You have been warned. Get ready to read TABOO..........

Does GOD play tricks on people? Or is it people that place themself in the fucked up situations, due to their own ignorance than blame GOD. Every human decision with the intent to improve seemed to be blocked off by some mysterious force at some point in time. Was it God, the universe, or just human interference! Whatever it is, it did not play fair to anyone but those who it choose to bless.

Shagari Kits always felt like God was always playing with her life. It felt like God hated her! Hate was a very strong word but Shagari believed that GOD really hated her. Instead of blessing her, he cursed her. All her life she faced nothing but pain and misery. The only thing she got in return was hurt. Shagari hurled curses at GOD for giving her such a miserable life. Some people grew up with diamonds and pearls but she received crumbs. Sometimes she didn't even get crumbs sometimes she got nothing. How come everyone got nice cars, nice houses, nice purses and Shagari received none of that. The only way to get that was through the streets......

At a young age, she lost her father and turned to the streets. The streets were there for her when she had nowhere to stay, no food to eat, no money, it provided all the things that she wanted but for a price. The streets were vicious to her and didn't treat her well at all. Lying, stealing, scamming, and fucking for a bag were Shagari's only motivations; she had no one to lean on but herself sadly and it took her a long time to comprehend that.

This exposed Shagari to the bitter and cruel streets of Charlotte. There was nothing to eat in the house after her father had left in a hurry; he only kissed her on the forehead and mumbled about how much he loved her. She remembered seeing a nervous expression on his face as he ran out of the house. Shagari waited for him as long as her little heart could, days passed then months passed until a year approached. Since she had no father, Shagari had to fend for herself.

The house she was living in went into foreclosure. The police were called to the home by her nosey ass neighbors causing Shagari to be sent to a foster care home. When they found her she weighed less than 80 pounds and was malnourished. All the bones in her body were showing and her skin became loose due to being malnourished. She looked like someone who had just been on a drug fest. Dark scars and pimples ravished her boney body and a foul order followed.

Foster care wasn't the best experience for Shagari, she was constantly bullied by the other children because she was darker. They would taunt her by calling her "darkie" and "doo-doo" while stealing her food then beating on her right after. That day Shagari vowed to not let them harm her again. She complained to the staff at the foster home but they did nothing, all they did was put the children in solitary confinement and give her a piece of candy as an apology.

To add more injury to insult, the children that bullied her came back and bullied her even more. Tired of the abuse, Shagari ran away after staying there for a few months.

At 14, Shagari sold her body to a 52-year-old man. She was so hungry that she would have done anything for some money. After leaving the foster care, she had nowhere to go, she roamed the streets for days until it became weeks. Begging worked a few times but one meal a day didn't do much for her, she was still hungry.

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