Why Do you Love Me Pt.3

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Kongpop PoV

P'Arthit and I ended up spending the rest of the day in bed, both cuddling and talking but also a big portion of the time we spent doing other things...

It was now going from late afternoon to night time. The clock showed that the time was currently 19.00 and I decided it was time for me to leave, not really knowing if P'Arthit wanted me to stay with him or not.

"P'Arthit...?" when he didn't answer me I looked over at him and saw him sleeping, while clinging on to my arm. And must I say he was really cute when he let his guard down like this.

I didn't realize it myself until it was too late, but I had been staring at him for a while now and when he opened his eyes and saw me smiling down at him, he was first really startled, not really, but he reacted the usual way by saying my name with his "Hazer voice" as he called it.

"oh P' I wanted to tell you something, but I didn't want to wake you up when I saw how peaceful and cute you were when you were sleeping."

"What is it?"

"When I asked you why you love me, after the first time Cho came to us, you answered me that I was better than the stars in the night sky and that you love me because I'm me. I just wanted to say thank you for holding up with me, for loving me and for walking into my life. But first of all thank you for letting me be a part of your life. I don't know what I would have done without you. And I love you to the moon and back. Thank you for always taking care of me, for coming into my life and completing me and thank you for seeing me for me even if I lack in many ways, I want you to know that you are the best thing I could ever dream of."

"Babe... I almost for a second thought you were going to propose to me..."

"Oh P' some day I will... But I don't think you are ready to commit to that yet..."

"As long as it's you, I would do it. Because Kong... You're my everything and I don't think I can live without you."

--- 2.5 Years later ---

Today is the day, today is the day I'm proposing to P'Arthit. The last 3 years with him has been both the best and the worst, we've had our ups and downs but I think it's finally time.

Today is our anniversary and since it's our 3rd anniversary I had planned something special for P'Arthit and myself. I'm not a great cook myself but I got some help from a friend. So I asked P'Arthit to come over to my place so we could spend the night together.

As I can hear him coming in the door, I look up at him and as soon as I see him I smile. He looks at me, smiling as well, I wonder if he forgot? But before I can even say anything he looks me in the eyes and say "Happy anniversary babe." as I close in on him, stopping a few steps away, I smile back at my boyfriend and say "Happy anniversary P'Ai'Oon. I love you." I lean down and give him a quick kiss before taking his hand in mine and dragging him over to the couch where the food awaits us.

I had tried making his favorite dish, chili Basil Chicken and to be fair I don't think I completely failed. But by the time we were done eating my palms were sweating like crazy hunter. I was so nervous, what if he wasn't ready. What if he said no and walked out of the door. What would I do then...

"Kong... Are you okay? You're pale, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing P', I'm fine"

"If you say so..."

"Ehm... P'... Do you remember that day in the cheer hall? The day I said I would make you my wife..."

"...Yeah, I remember... How could I ever forget... I'm sure if you gave Bright a pen and some paper he would even write a book about it..."

"...And do you remember that day about 6 months after we started dating? When we were talking in this very spot, about getting married someday in the future?"

" Yeah I remember..."

"P' I think the day is here, I'm not a hopeless romantic who can make a handful of sappy and cute proposals but I'm here right here, right now asking you the same question you asked me a year ago on the bridge... P'Arthit are you ready for our future? I know I'm ready to give you everything you want, everything you need and everything I am to you. I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you and that I will always accept you for who you are, but will you accept me and spend the rest of your life with me?"

" Yes, of course I will. Of course I'm ready for a future with you. You already have my heart and my body, and I'm ready to give you everything I am. I also lost you my own King Kong 😉"

--- 6 months later---

I'm standing here, in a white suite. With the love of my life standing right in front of me. We're smiling at each other. It's our wedding day and I for one can't be any happier. I'm finally married to the man I love and to be honest as long as we have each other it's enough for me.

"I love you, Kong..." I hear P'Arthit Whisperer against my ear before he gives me a quick kiss on the cheek and turn away blushing.

I love it when he blushes like that, and I just want to keep him in my arms and never let him go

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I love it when he blushes like that, and I just want to keep him in my arms and never let him go. I look down on our hand and smile when I see the white gold rings on our fingers. He is finally mine to keep I think.

I couldn't help it, and bent down to kiss my husband. "I love you too Babe"


Well I can't sleep so here's another update. It's the last one for Why do you love Me and I really hope you have enjoyed these. I'm sorry if it's a bit too much KongArt but I just really love Krist and Singto, I have been a fan of the two for a long time and I really can't help it

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