Broken Promises

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"Broken Promises"
- Forth × beam

"Excuse me... Are you Forth?"

"yeah... Who is this? Why do you have Beams phone? Is he okay?"

"well that's the thing... He's been in an accident... And he is in the hospital..."

"I'll be there right away..."

Forth hung up the phone and rushed out of the Hazer meeting. He didn't care about the fact that he was the head of the hazers at the moment his boyfriend was hurt and needed him more than the others.

As Firth reached the hospital, the first thing he did was to run into the ER. He ran up to the information desk and asked for Beam, a nurse lead him down several halls talking about the accident, and what had happened. He had been walking to his car and some drunk old man had hit him straight on with his car. Apparently because Beam already had been in a sick state he ended up worse because his immune system already was down.

Walking into the room where his boyfriend was Forth felt the tears pressing onto his eyes. He had to take a few deep breaths and try to calm down before walking up to the bed and sit down by his boyfriend.

"Forth... You came..." a faint smile spread out on Beams face and it pained Forth to watch.

"Beam, babe how are you feeling."

"I feel like I've been run down by a raging bull. But other than that okay. I'm better now when you're here with me."

Seeing how Beams heart rate is slowing down and how tired his eyes are Forth understand that the love of his life does not have much time left. He tried to keep a straight face as he leaned down and kissed Beam.

" babe I'm sorry. I know I haven't been the best boyfriend but can you please try to fight for me?"

"I... Will... T-."

The machine flat lined and Forth could hear the doctors come running.
They tried for around 15 minutes to start Beams heart again but it was no use. He was gone.

Forth collapsed on the floor and didn't care what was happening around him anymore. He had lost the one person he needed the most. The only person he loved.

Days turned into weeks and weeks faded into months... 3 months after Beam had died... Forth was sitting on the floor in his room, drunk, alone and depressed... That pretty much how he had been ever since his boyfriend had passed.

But there he was muttering the lines "he promised me... He said he was going to stay... He said he was never going to leave me." the only thing stopping Forth from ending his life was the thought of what it would do to Pha, Kit, Ming and Wayo, they had been Beams friends and to lose another one would break them down even more.

"I will fight for us both babe, that's the least I can do." was the last thing he said to himself before falling to the ground.

Forth sat up straight in his bed, what the hell... He looked around himself, he was in his room and on the bed next to him, Beam was sleeping peacefully...
Oh Thank God, it was just a dream. A bad dream. Forth laid back down and snuggled closer to Beam, taking in the sweet yet spicy smell of his boyfriend.

"Promise me that you will never leave me"  he whispered before he went back to sleep.

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