When You Met Him

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    EDIT : Grammar mistakes, turned his last name to his first.
                                                                    Tenya Iida.
     You have been best friends with him since you we're little. When your eye's caught his, you know it's your move to step up and talk to him. Until then, you guys were best friends trough thicc and thin. You never left his side and he never left yours. While growing up to highschool, you started to feel a little bit of affection coming towards you whenever you go and talk to him.
    When you we're little, you always admired his engine-type quirk. As for you, you had a quirk of an angel. It was the best quirk that has come by far. It is almost like Light + Angel quirk. You have the power of light and a pair of angel wings. You had no halo tho. That's sad. But you could activate your wings whenever you want to. They don't come out when you're not using them. It was a weird quirk indeed. But Tenya also admired it.

*Y/N's P.O.V*

  "Tenya-Kun~!" I called out for my navy blue-haird dorky best friend. "Good Morning, Y/N. How are you feeling today?" Tenya greeted, "I'm good. I got a little lazy getting out of bed today..hehe.." I chuckled lightly while scratching the back of my neck, "You should sleep more early. You could wake up with no hesitation." Iida suggested. We wen't to our school ( Which is the Private School Tenya goes to ).

   Class started to begin as usual. The teacher said to write a story in a paper based on the story that is given to you. And I realised, I forgot my pencil. "Psst, Tenya."I lightly poked him with my finger "What's wrong, Y/N?" Tenya asked. "I didn't bring a pencil today..do you have an extra that I can borrow?" I asked him, he sighs, "Here, make sure you give it back after class." He said, handing me the pencil. "Thank you! You're the best" I whisper-shouted so the teacher won't hear me. After class, I  gave him his precious pencil back.

**Time Skip, brought to you by your author. owo**

*Tenya's P.O.V*

  After Y/N gave me back my pencil, I offered her to eat lunch with me. Instead of regularly sitting in the cafeteria, I decided to eat outside of the building. We chatted for a while and then she suddenly said this question, "Hey Tenya, Do you feel like becoming a hero one day?" Y/N asked, "Of course. I wan't to be just like my brother. Strong and independent." I answerd. She chuckled. "Well, what about you, Y/N? Would you feel like becoming a hero one day?" I asked her the same question. She thought for a moment and answered , "Mmhm. I'll go anywhere with you. But that also means that we need to enter U.A Highschool. That's gonna be tough." She pouted at the last words she said.

"Yeah. I wish us goodluck."

Angel's Halo ( Tenya Iida x Reader ) Where stories live. Discover now