Hero Provisional License Exam

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Training goes on and on and on, until the final day came. We were all in our dorms, as it was already nighttime.
I spent the rest of my day in my room analysing my ultimate, as because Hero Licence Exam is in a few weeks from now. Of course, I had dinner with my classmates after that, we talked and then I seperated myself from them afterwards.

   Currently soacked wet in the shower, I took a nice, hot shower, releasing all the stress I had today. "I wonder if i'll pass the exam..." I talked to myself im the shower.

After a nice shower, I got in my pajamas, and went through my phone as I lay on my bed, "Now that I think of it, Tenya wasn't speaking to me much today..." I thought.

    I placed my phone on my nightstand next to my bed, charged it, and went to sleep, "Maybe he'll speak more tommorow..."


   Weeks passed until the exam is here, I sat on the bus and put in my earbuds.

   Once everyone was onboard, the bus started moving. I look outside the window as I listened to my music, seeing familiar platforms, and soon came to another world of Japan.

    Tenya, was of course, sitting next to me. I was too busy listening to my music and watching the view outside, I forgot somebody was next to me. I laid back, as I look to my front.

   I opened my phone and stopped the music and removed my earbuds. The bus was still moving and were not close to our destination, and that's when Tenya spoke up,

  "( Y/N )?" He called, "Hm?" I responded, "Are you uh.. mad at me?" He said, "No?" I sai confusedly, "Why would I be mad at you for no reason?" I asked, "Well, you see, we have been lacking conversation and stuff, I thought you were mad at me, so I gave you some space alone, thinking you might need it." He answered, "Aha, no Tenya. I would never get mad at you, besides when you do stupid stuff that's risking your life and blood." I said, "Oh, well then, if you don't mind.."

   He said as he kissed my cheek, "What was that for?" I asked, "For goodluck, on the exams." He said as he patted my head, "Well, i'll do the same to you." I said as I kissed him on the cheek. "Now we're both equal of luck," I said.

  We spent the rest of our time snuggling and telling weird horrible jokes and looking at youtube videos together. Everyone may be watching, but who cares. I don't. He dosen't.

   An hour later, the bussed stopped, "Alright, we're here. Everybody put your phones in your bags, and get out." Mr Aizawa said as he got out of the bus. "Let's go." I said as I got up after leaning on his shoulder, "Yeah."

   Once we all are outside, Mr Aizawa gave us some speech, "If you can pass this test and get your provisional licenses, then you novice eggs will become some chick. You'll hatch into semi pro's. Do your best."

   "Tenya~ I can't belive it!" I said, "Yes, me too ( Y/N ), I can't believe it thta we're becoming semi pro's." He said, "No, not that! I ment that I can't believe it that a strong buffy man like you is called a chick!" I said as I laughed.

   I was talking with Tenya about him being a cute fluffy chick, until  I heard a loud "Ultra" being shouted, "Who?" I said as I turned to see who said that, "Hm? Those hats.. they're from Shiketsu." I said as I looked at them.

  The wierd guy from Shiketsu apologised to us im a very, weird way. He bowed down waaay too low, his head, was touching the ground.. that is when he rises up, blood started showing.

  That was not all the weird stuff, Pro Hero, Ms Joke was here too. She's a teacher from Ketsubutsu Academy. She started teasing Mr Aizawa about their "relationship" but If I can take a guess, I think Ms Joke likes Mr Aizawa "HOW COULD SUCH A HAPPY PERSON LIKE SUCH A MAN WHO SLEEPS DURING CLASS AND IS STILL TIRED?" I thought.

   That's when she called her students. Second years, "Huh? Midoriya number 2?" I said as I looked when soe guy named Shindo grabbed Midoriya's hand. But it wasn't just Midoriya's hand he held, he held others too.

   He started talking and talking and them Bakugo being a jerk to him, and more talking until Aizawa called us to get inside the building and change into our costumes.

  It's going to be a fun, yet a very anxietic day.

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