Saving Our Friend

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    Ignoring all the hate comments and mocks to U.A, the 6 of us ran away from the crowd and followed the tracker that Yaoyorozu was holding.

  "This is the spot the reciever is showing," Yaoyorozu said as she covered behind a wall, just incase whether there was any villans or something, "So that's their hideout, it does look like one." Kirishima whispered.

   All we could see was a white building, but since it was nighttime and dark, it looked a bit of a greyish blue. The building only had windows for our view, "I don't know if it's their hideout or not., but what I can see on the reciever, the villan has not left here for the past day." Yaoyorozu said, "Also, just because the villan is here does not mean Bakugo is. We are here with very little to go on. Please think about that objectively." She continued.

   After talking things out, Midoriya tried to think of a plan, but failed. As we walked away to buy some drinks, some drunk guys came up to us and asked us to drink with them. I only hid bneind Tenya for protection.

"There are so many people around here. We can let oursekves stand out.." Yaoyorozu said, "Then let's try going form the back?" I said. The 5 of them only looked at me, "What? That's the best I got. Either do it or nah." I spat.

  Since we had no other plan, they decided to use mine. By going through the back. Sadly for Yaoyorozu, the soace was quite narrow, so it's hard for her to get through.

   As we kept walking, I saw a window with bars up ahead, "Hey guys, look. A window." I whispered as I pointed to the window above us, "Good sighting. ( Y/N ), can you fly and see what's in there?" Midoriya said. I only saluted as I used my wings and flew to the level of the window.

  'It's dark.' I thought, "Uh, ( Y/N ) wait." Kirishima said. I looked down as I saw him holding up some goggles, "What's this? Nightvision goggles?" I asked, "Yeah.." he said, "You're quite handy. But why did you bring it?" I asked, "When I thought about what we'd have to do, I thought we need it." He said, "Oh.."

   As there was silence, I flew back up to see what was in there, 'Nothing... Nothing.. Wait.. what is..E-Eh?!' I was shocked on what I just saw, that I accidentally stopped flapping my wings and fell down, only to be catched by the hands of Tenya.

  "What did you see?" Midoriya asked, "Nomu.." I said, "Nomu?" Kirishima said. I only nodded, "How many?" Todoroki asked, "A-A lot.." I stuttered again.

   Silence came to us, I started to calm down, that is until a truck beside us started flying, "What the?!" I said. Soon, there was an explosion sound and strong wind and dust, but I used my wings to cover it up and protected myself as Tenya lost balance.

  "Ouch.." I said as I rubbed my head, "( Y/N ), can you go check on what's happening?" Kirishima said, "S-Sure." I responded as I flew up, soon later seeing the hero Mt. Lady, Gang Orca, Best Jeanist and Tiger, "Four heroes, tons of police and Nomu's being captured." I said as I flew back down.

   "The heroes were already moving way befor we were!" Tenya said, "Now let's fall back immediately. Theres nothing left for us to do." He continued, "Wait, if the heroes are here, does that mean Bakugo has already been saved?" I asked, "Probably," Todoroki said, "I don't like the sound of that.."

  "Wait guys." I said, "What's wrong?" Tenya asked, "Shh." I shushed, "Stay here." I ordered as I flew away, " ( Y/N )! Tenya whisper shouted, 'Something is wrong.' I thought as I flew above to a building and saw Best Jeanist trapping someone with his fibers, 'What the..' I thougth. But soon after, red and black lightning started shooting, and soon, an explosion came through, "Crap."

   Once I had my last words, I quickly flew back to the others and I watched as they were in fear. Soon after the villans speech, I hear a familiar voice, "Damn it, what the hell?" The male said, 'Bakugo! He's not saved?!' I thought in fear.

I could only hear what they were saying, and fearing to look at the situation. Then , I felt movement on my left shoulder, "Midori-" I was stopped when Tenya grabbed stopped him from moving. From what I could see is fear in their eyes, come on, think ( Y/N )! How do you get out of this situation!

"So, you're all here, aren't you?" From that sentence, I felt to tensed I couldn't move, but then, I hear another heroes voice, "I'll have you return everything, All For One!" "Will you kill me again, All Might?" And then, que the strong wind.

'Why did we get dragged into this?' I thought, 'Think, think, think! How to get out of here! My body wont move, why now?! Earlier it was fine!' All the thinking has brought my head into a bad headache, "Iida, everybody!" Midoriya said, but when Tenya tried to stop him, Midoriya stopped him first, "There's a way! A way that won't involve fighting that will let us leave this place, but still save Kacchan!" He said, "Then what are we waiting for? Let's hear it!" I said.

  "But this plan also depends on Kacchan. I don't think my plan will succeed if I do it. That's why, Kirishima, you're the key to increasing success rate!" He said, "Give us more details, Midoriya." Todoroki said. "This is my plan,"

   After Midoriya explained his plan, I was the extra to catch Bakugo if it fails. If it were a success, then I would lead Todoroki and Yaoyorozu to a safe place, "Let's do it."

   Once they did it, they managed to get Bakugo, and now it's my turn, "Alright! They did it, let's go, Todoroki, Yaoyorozu!" I said as I instantly grabbed their hands and quickly flew them to safety, which was back at the city.

"All Right, we should be safe here," I said, "You guys try to be safe, I'll go find the others." After I said that, I quickly flew to see where the 4 boys are.

  After a few minutes of flying, I finally found them, "Midori-" I stopped once I saw what was on the big screen, "What the.. is that.. All Might?" I said as I looked at the blonde skeleton haired man with black eyes.

  And soon, there were people who are hoping for All Might, some of them are strating to give up, judging by his form, "D-Don't lose, All Might!" I shouted as I kept hoping for him to win against this villan.

  As I kept watching the big screen, the villan was finally down, "Did he.. did he.." I said in shock, "He..he.." When All Might finally gave us a thumbs up, "HE DID IT! HE DID IT! HE DID IT!" I screamed as I cried tears of joy and soon began chanting 'All Might' with the crowd.

When we were finally about to move, it was already morning, 'I'm in trouble..'

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