The Space Hero's Internship

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   Em.. I do not really know what Thirteen's gender is, so I'll put Thirteen as a male instead since that what I think what Thirteen's gender is. If that's not Thriteen's gender, then I will edit this chapter whenever i'm free.

As I entered the train, I quickly sat down on an empty seat a few seats away from the train's doors while listening to music on my phone, thinking on how the internship would go, 'Since Thirteen focuses on rescue, we wont be having any battles right? What if he thinks i'm slow? What if I mess up? Oh lord...'

The thoughts have been on my mind until I decided to let it go and just tell myself that it would be fine, while at the back of my mind is telling me it won't be fine. One other thing that is on my mind is how worried I am for Tenya. I decided to let it slip for now.

As the train announced that we have arrived, I quickly placed my earbuds in my blazers pocket, took my hero costume and walked out of the train. When I was finally out of the train station, I am making my way downtown to the Space Hero : Thirteen's Agency.

"This is it. This is where it is." I said, basically talking to nobody but myself. I took a deep breath and let it all out and entered the building.

In the building, was a few people in there, but not Thirteen, "Hm.. where is he?" I said as I wondered around the building, looking all confused. I kept walking around until a female worker in the building saw me and my confused butt walking around the building like a lost child, the worker approached me and asked if I was looking for somebody.

"Uhh yeah I am. Is the Space Hero Thirteen here? This is his agency right? I'm here for the intenship.." I said, feeling all nervous around this human that just approached me, "Ah, he's on the 8th floor in the building. If you wan't to get there faster, you could use the elevator. Just go straight and turn right." She said, giving me a nice smile and pointing to where the elevator is. I quickly bowed and thanked her repeatedly and ran towards the elevator, 'Jeez, ( Y/N ) way to go.'

As the elevator door opened, I quickly sprinted to his door and knocked gently, and getting a, "Come in" after. I entered the room and saw Thirteen, "You're late! Where were you?" He said with crossed arms, "Ah.. sorry. I got lost." I said as I rubbed the back of my neck, he gave me a small sigh and told me that it's alright.

"Well, now that you're here, go ahead and change into your hero costume. We're going to the U.S.J. I assume you already know what that is, right?" He said as he lead me to the changing rooms, "Yup. I do." I said as I entered the changing room.

After I changed, we are now walking to the train station, Thirteen giving me some examples of many types of disasters and how to rescue people from it. When we finally arrived to the train, we sat quietly in the train and waited until we finally arrived to wherever the U.S.J is.

*Timeskip to the U.S.J*

"Alright, we're here. This is not going to be like the last time since you entered the U.S.J. The villans only came because they wanted All Might. But, he's not here now. It's just the two of us. Now, let's get to work, shall we?" Thirteen said as we entered the building, 'Still looks the same.'

"Now, since you had already been here before, I assume you know where each zone is right?" He said as he put his hands on his hips, "Kind of?" I said as I sweat dropped, he gave out a sigh and decided to lecture me about the 6 zones in the U.S.J.

JUST IN CASE, if you guys don't remember the 6 zones in the U.S.J, here they are, no need to waste your time searching on google. c:

Zone 1 : Ruins Zone ( Destroyed Buildings )
Zone 2 : Landslide Zone ( Sloped Terrain with building remainings )
Zone 3 : Mountain Zone ( Rocky Mountainous areas. It's filled with cliffs )
Zone 4 : Conflagration Zone ( The one where the buildings are on fire )
Zone 5 : Flood Zone ( Maritime Environment . Contains a ship and a waterslide. Also the one where you were teleported to at the U.S.J Attack Chapter )
Zone 6 : Downpour Zone ( Simulates an urban environment that is constantly hit by heavy rainfall and strong winds )

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