Practical Exams

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*( Y/N )'s P.O.V*

It was finally another day of school, me and Tenya walked to school together as usual, but now, it seems to be a little bit awkward,

"Uh.. so.. what do couples do exactly..?" I said as I tried to not make eye contact with Tenya, "Uh.. I don't know.." He responded back, and now finally there was silence...

"AAAAGGHHH WHAT DO COUPLES EVEN DO?!" I said as I squat down with my hands on my head, "W-Well we could act natural, like we were always best friends.." He said as he patted my back, "Honestly, this is so weird now. How do couples do these things." I said as I got back up and breathed in heavily and sighing the air out of my lungs.

* Timmu Skippu to U.A because your author can't handle this awkwardness. *

( Info about Author chan : Author Chan always cringes whenever someone messed up or does things awkwardly or just be cringy in a movie/show and she'll not be able to watch the movie/show without making a weird noise )


"Okay, that's it for class. There's only one week left until the final exam. You all are studying properly, right? I'm sure you already know, but it won't just be a written exam. There's also a practical component. Make sure you train your minds and bodies at the same time. That's all."

After Mr. Aizawa left the class, Kaminari and Mina started screaming about them not studying. While I sat at my table remembering what I got for my Midterms.. but forgetting what I had in my head..

"4th place in the midterms..." I said I flicked my fingers on my pencil case, which rocked back and fourth for a while, "1st Place with YaoMomo, 2nd with Tenya, 3rd with Bakugo, 4th me... and fifth.. Todoroki." I said as I got up from my chair, making my way to Tenya and the rest, with one step, I finally remembered what was in my head,

'Will I tell the others?' I said as I froze in place, I shook my head no but then again I wanted to, 'No..No you can't tell them yet.. But I wan't to. AGHHH WHAT THE HECK'

It was finally lunch, I sat with a few of my classmates, Including Tenya, Midoriya and Uraraka. I was busy eating my F/F ( Favorite Food if you guys don't remember ) so my mind is now in food heaven that is until something or someone knocked somebody or the table, you wouldn't believe who it was..

"You're from Class B.. Um.. Monoma!" Midoriya said as he rubbed his head. Turning my attentions to this conversation, "I heard you guys met the hero killer. Just like at the sports festival, you guys in Class A just have to have all the attention huh?" And so on he rant until it was finally time to say goodbye to Mr. Quirk Stealer since Kendo knocked him out and I continued eating my F/F.


*Yeah another time skip to the practical exam just because i'm lazy.*

"Now, we will begin the practical exam. Of course it's possible to fail this exam. If you want to go to the training camp, then don't make any stupid mistakes. I expect that you all have gathered information ahead of time and have some idea of what you will be doing."

Mr. Aizawa said in his usual tone, 'Yup, still like this teacher.' That is until Principle Nezu popped out of his scarf, 'Principle Nezu sure is small now that I think about it.' I said as I stared at him.

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