Spill The Beans Honey.

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I have no idea what to do for the title so here you go,
*Edit I wanna edit the yen count, i seriously have no idea how to count.*

Honey ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
Ahh finally another day of school, what could go wrong? Having a headache at 7 in the morning about when you're gonna tell the whole class you're dating Tenya? Heh. That's bad.

* Y/N's P.O.V*

'When do I tell?!' I thought to myself in panic mode like i'm in a game with 5% health trying to beat the final boss and have no more healing potions left, my thoughts were soon interrupted by my phone making a little 'ding',

"Who is messaging me so early?" I groaned as I unlocked my phone and went opened my whatsapp, "Oh, it's Tenya. Wonder why he's meesaging me? Probably a good morning text or something." I said in a calming tone and opened the message,

Tenya : Good morning, ( Y/N ), how are you today? 7:10

( Y/N ) : Mm i'm good. A little bit tired from the exams, you? 7:10

Tenya : I'm doing good aswell. 7:11

Tenya : Hey, I wanna talk about when are we gonna tell the class that we're dating? 7:11

( Y/N ) : Oh, I was just thinking about that. You know when? 7:11

Tenya : I was thinking about today, but maybe not, I also have no idea when..7:12

( Y/N ) : Hmm.. 7:12

( Y/N ) : How about we start small first? We'll tell Deku and Uraraka first. Sounds good? 7:12

Tenya : Yeah. Sounds good. 7:12

Tenya : Well, you better get ready for school. I'll be waiting outside. 7:12

( Y/N ) : Sure. 7:13

As I closed my phone, I quickly got out of bed and did my morning routine.

...Which took a few minutes.

After I finally wore my school uniform, I tied the blazer on my waist and went downstairs to eat breakfast, suprisingly, mom was there in the kitchen,

"Oh, good morning, ( Y/N ). You're up early. Usually you're like a lump of blankets when I come into your room around this time." My mom said with a giggle at the end, "Yeah? Well I got up early today. Ya proud?" I said as I grabbed a ( Favourite Flavour ) Yogurt, "Mm, no." She said as she drank her coffee with a smug face, and me, I was glaring at her, "Well, I better get going to work soon, and you better get going to school too. You know Tenya's waiting outside?" She said as she washed her cup, "Oh shoot! Yeah! Well, I'll better get going! Adios!" I said as I quickly ate my yogurt and ran outside, nearly forgetting my bookbag and socks.

"There you are. Took you long enough." Tenya said as he gave me a rubbed my head, which messes up my hair, "Hey! Stop that. I don't have a hair brush to fix it." I whined as I faked pouting, "Well, you're gonna need one in the future." He said as he grabbed my hand and started walking me, "Now, let's go!"

* Timmu Skippu tu somewheru on the streetsu on the sidewalkku *

"Hey Tenya, can I buy a drink first?" I said as I pointed to a vending machine, "It's still early, so I suppose why not." He said.
After we bought our drinks, we continued our walk to U.A, which was a few minutes away.


We have arrived early to school today, so there were only a few students in class like, Midoriya, Bakugo, Uraraka, Tsuyu and so on. As I placed my bookbag on the hook on the side of my desk, I strated heading to where Tsu and Uraraka were having a chat, that is at Tsu's desk,

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