The News

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  After the exams to enter U.A, I walked back home with Tenya by my side. "So Y/N, do you think you made it to U.A?" Tenya questioned, "I think so. I mean, 64 points isn't bad." I answered , "What about you Tenya? You'll probably make it anyway." I said, "Well, I think I got in. I'm just worried I failed the exams." He said, sighing at the end. After that, we had our small talks until we finally reached my house.
"Well, I guess this is the part where you go back to your house." I said, "Yup. I wish you good luck. When I enter U.A, I wan't to see you in U.A the first thing in the morning." He said, "Well, I wish you good luck to getting in." I said. We both hugged and he went home. I have lived alone for a few days, my mom went on a buisness trip while my dad went to go overseas for work. He hasn't came back home for a few years, neither mom and I know what happend since he didn't messaged her or gave her a letter.
I cooked myself some dinner as I waited for the letter. After eating dinner, I heard the doorbell rang, I shifted out of my chair and get to the door, the mail, the MAIL TO U.A CAME IN. I squeeled and quickly took it to my bedroom, which is dark and filled with hero posters, as I opend it, this weird futuristic thingy came out, showing a hologram or a video of All Might.
After watching the video, I scored it. I got in. I actually got in. I cried with tears of joy as I screamed happily. I quickly messaged Tenya to see if he got in.

Tenya! Did you get the letter from U.A?

Tenya Iida
Yeah, I did. Well, did you get in?

Well, I guess.

Tenya Iida
I don't like the sound of that...

Did you get in, Tenya?

Tenya Iida
Yeah I did. I just hope you got in too..

Well, you just have to figure it out.

As I messaged that last message , I felt bad for not telling him I got in. I wanted it to be a suprise, but I can't hold it in. But I did eventually.

*Tenya's P.O.V*

"Well, you just have to figure it out."

The message ran through my head as I worry about Y/N not getting into U.A. I decided not to go to her house now, since it's late. I'll just have to figure it out. Yeah, figure it out.


I walked to U.A, I rememberd what I said that to Y/N, "When I enter U.A, I want to see you in U.A the first thing in the morning" I just hope she's waiting for me. I stepped in the gates of U.A and I saw a familiar H/L H/C girl, I tapped her shoulder to see if she really is Y/N. She turned around and smiled at me. That smile...that face..


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