Disguises and Media's

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As the six of us began walking silence, Tenya began talking to Midoriya, "Midoriya, I apologize for getting violent with you. I'm sorry." He said, "Seriously Iida, you reson for joing the group is not very persuasive." Yaoyorozu said, "You better apologize." I said as I lightly hand chopped his head while he bows.

"I am accompanying you because I am not convinced you will behave yourself." He said as he adjusts his glasses, "If I get even a whiff of combat, then I will make you return immediately. In other words, you will be under my surveillance." He said, "That's right, I will be a 'Watchman'!" He said, 'Watchman Tenya' I thought.

"The same goes for me. Rescuing Bakugo is a job for the pros." Yaoyorozu said, "Looking at this objectively, there is no need for you all to do anything. However, it is a compromise plan because I know very well how you feel. Do not forget that." Yaoyorozu said as she pulled out a device out of her skirt pocket.

The six of us began walking to the train station to take the train to go to Kamino Ward. "Since were arriving from Nagato, it takes two hours to gte there. We should arrive around ten o'clock." Yaoyorozu said. The rest began talking about it too.

"You know, that what we're doing is selfish and that no one wants us to do it, right? You can still turn back if you want to." Todoroki said. That made me think, why did I do it? I know that it's for saving Bakugo, but that excuse is basically on the red meter. 'Why?' I thought. Even if I try to think about excuses, non of them seemes logical or just too simple and could not get passed by.

I stopped thinking about that but suddenly, I got a notification from my phone, "Mom?" I said. My mother sent me another text message. From what I could read from the notification, my mother was nagging about why I hung up on her on the phone earlier, "Aha.." I said bluntly.

I unlocked my phone and disabled the notifications button. How weird would it be whenever somene gets onto combat and the enemy's phone just rings and he said that it's from it's mom and he has to take it, 'That would be a go card' I thought.

Once we arrived to Camino Ward, we went down to the city of Kanagawa Prefecture, "This city is pretty big." I said as I spinned around to see the city around me, "So the villans are hiding somewhere here, huh?" Kirishima said, "So where are they, Yaoyorozu?!" Kirishima said as he began running somewhere, 'What the heck?' I thought.

"From here on out, we must be very, very careful. The villans know what we look like, remember? We must also consider that we may be attacked at any moment." She said, "Got that, gotta be covert!" Midoriya said as he does an 'X pose'. I looked at him and soon joined in. ( Yes he actually said 'covert' )

"From at this rate, we won't be able to scout very easily." Tenya said, "Then what are we suppose to do?" Kirishima asked, "Let's put on disguises!" I said, "( Y/N ), be quiet!" Tenya shushed me, "Why it's a city after all? Isn't it suppose to be loud?" I asked, "Yeah but still!" He said.

"Disguises are pretty cool though. Where do we get them?" Kirishima asked, "I have a suggestion!" Yaoyorozu said as she pointed to a clothing shop.

It was soon when all of us tried out different types of clothing.


( Y/N )'s Reaction,


First up, Midoriya Izuku. He looks like a punk type of guy. Where did he get the beard though?

Second, Todoroki Shoto. He looks like Sasuke but with non-ninja clothing. Suits him since he's emotionless. Kinda like Sasuke. ( I'm talking about that Sasuke guy from Naruto )

Third, Yaoyorozu Momo. She looks like a diva. Seems legit.

Fourth, Tenya Iida. He looks like that one guy you will see at the carnival. But he's still a handsome boy

Fifth, Kirishima Eijirou. He looks like a regular dude just with horns.

Last, me. I look like a buisness woman.

* I'm just giving you a buisness woman look cause why not. They look neat *



From all that, we all bought the disguises and went out wearing it. Kirishima was teaching Midoriya and Tenyaon how to be a gangster. And all of us are being weird, besides Todoroki, "There's a lady with a huge rack over there!" Tenya shouted, "What the hell?!" I said as I bursted out laughing.

"Kids would stand out in the shopping district at night, right?" Yaoyorozu said, "Yaoyorozu, wouldn't it have been free is you used Creation to make all this?" Todoroki said, "Th-Th-That's against the rules!" Yaoyorozu said.

"Everyone, our destination is this way-" Yaoyorozu said but was stopped when someone said, "Whoa! It's U.A!" Which made us all panic to see whether we were already caught. But we were wrong. They we're talking about the U.A teachers on the T.V. That includes, Mr Aizawa, Principal Nezu and Vlad King.

As the six of us went to watch on what was going on, they were only apologizing on ehat was happening. But it wasn't just that, one reporter asked the teacgers on what did he tell the families when they're son or daughter has been injured.
Principal Nezu answered with,

"We will increase policing in the surrounding area and review the security within the school, ensuring the students safety with a strong position. That is what we told them."

That is when people around us started talking trash on our school. U.A is trying to do something. They can't just talk trash on our school like that.



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