Quirk Improvements

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It has been 10 days, I think I had enough breaks. Since I had such a long break, my writing grammar kinda sucks, so I apologise


It was finally the next morning, and we woke up pretty early to improve our quirks. I went to my spot and stood there waiting for Mr Aizawa to tell me what I must do. After a few minutes of waiting, Mr Aizawa finally came to me,

"( L/N ), since you have two quirks like Todoroki, you'll be doing two tests. First test is to improve your flying speed, which is to fly around the field, 10 laps. Also make sure you charge your other quirk to prepare for your next task." He said in his usually groggy voice, "10 laps?!" I said in shock. Mr Aizawa only nodded and began explaining the next test,

"After you have done 10 laps, it's time to improve your lazer quirk. I told you to charge your other quirk while you fly around, right? So when you're finally done, you must rapidly shoot lazers out of your palms to the ground. Got it?" He said, "Yes sir!" I said as I saluted, 'Wait why did I salute? I'm not in the army or something.'

   "So 10 laps around the field while I charge my lazer quirk huh? Okay." I said as I got into stance, "Let's do this!" I said as I finally flew off in a fast speed around the field, my wings didn't get tired since 10 laps wasn't anything, but it did got tired after 5 rounds of flying in intense speed and rapidly shooting lazers in my palm, like hecc.

   A few hours has passed, my head was getting dizzy due to me just sometimes crashing my face into the mountain in the middle, my wings and back are tired and hurt like hell and my palms are burning, "Someone save me from this hell.." I said as my body crashed onto the ground, "( L/N )! No resting!" Mr Aizawa shouted from a distance, my response was a groggly groan.

  Finally, it was time for dinner, the heroes, aka the Wild Wild Pussycats, has prepared us to make our own dinner, as the class all groan in exhaustion, I shouted, "AFTER ALL THAT TRAINING, WE DIDN'T GET FREE FOOD?!" I said as my face planted on Tenya's back, "Yup!" One of the heroes responded with a laugh at the end, "Let's make the most delicious curry in the world, everyone!" Tenya shouted, "How can you be so energetic?!" I said.

   After we all changed into our regular clothes, we are now preparing dinner, I couldn't really move much since my back hurts, so I just stick around cutting the vegetables, "( Y/N )! Here's the rest of the vegetables!" Hagakure said as she placed down a sack of vegetables, "Seriously..?" I said with a sigh at the end, soon giving it in and chopped it all down.

   The curry is finally finished, we all got into our seats and began eating like maniacs, "The curry is so good!" I said as I finished my 5th plate of curry, "( Y/N ), if you eat too much, you're gonna get fat!" Tenya said as he air chopped the air, "I won't. And also, air abusing." I said as I stopped eating, "Air abusing? Seriously, ( Y/N ), where do you learn these things?" Tenya asked in confusion, but I just smiled at him like it's nothing.

  When I finished my 7th plate of curry, my stomach was already full, "Ahh~ what a nice dinner. It was worth it I guess," I said in satisfaction, "Alright, everybody go take a shower and get to bed. We still have more improvements to go through." Mr Aizawa said, "Yes sir." I said as I got up and went to the bathrooms to take a shower.


The third day came in and we did the same thing like we did yesterday. This time, I didn't just get straight to the quirk training, instead, I warmed up first. Just incase I don't get any mucle tears or something. When i'm finally done, It's time for the real deal.

  I got in stance and flew off after I counted to five. I could feel myself getting a little bit faster, but it's only a little. Two weeks of training camp, who knows how fast will I be at the end.

  When the evening came in, it's time for dinner. We changed into our regular clothes, and began cooking. As I was walking to the area whee they are chopping the vegetables, I saw Tenya looking at potatoes, 'Why is he looking at potatoes?' I thought as I gave him a weird look but decided to ignore it.

  "Here ya go Kiri. The rest of the vegetables." I said as I placed the sack down, "Seriously?! More?!" He said in shock, I only gave him a smile and a shoulder pat and walked away. Then seeing Tenya looking at a vegetable peeler, 'What the heck?' I thought but decided to ignore it again.

  After we ate, it's time for the event that we're having tonight, "Now, we've filled our bellies and washed the dished! Next...!" Pixie Bob said in excitement, "It's time for the test of courage!" Mina said, with the other boys who failed the exmas continued her sentence, "We're gonna test it!"

  Sadly for them, they don't get to go. After the heroes explained how does this work, we drawed lot's to determine out partners, "Number 4." I said as I looked at the paper that I was given, "Hey who got number 4?" I said as I looked around for my patner, "I'm number 4." A voice said, it was Kyoka, "Kyoka! We're partners!" I said as I hugged her.

   When it was our turn, we both went into the forest, "It sure is dark." I said as we both walked with Kyoka clinging on my arm, "Y-yeah.." Kyoka responded as she stuttered, "Kyoka, are you scared?" I asked sarcastically, "N-No! No i'm not!" She said, stuttering again, 'This little tsun-tsun' I thought.

   A few minutes of screams from Kyoka and laughters from me, I stopped my tracks because I smell something...something burning, "Hey Kyoka, you smell that?" I said as I smelled the air, "Maybe it's from the camp?" She said as she pointed the way to the exit, "Maybe it is." I said.

Little did I know that I was wrong.


Nothing important to see here.

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