The White Room

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    Alright, this looks like a story from another BNHA oneshot I read a week later when I wrote the last chapter.

It looks so unoriginal ;/

The voices were all muffled, "So is this where I die? From an examination? Truth to
be told... there are better ways to die than this."


   Once I woke up from passing out, I opened my eyes to see that I was on a bed. In a room which looked white. Which smells like medicine? Do they even have smell?

   I groaned as sat up, then feeling so much pain on my back skull. "Where am I?" I said as I looked around. A white room, that smells like medicine...

"AM I IN THE HOSPITAL?" I thought as I panicked, but the pain in the back of my skull stopped me from stressing out. I looked to my left, seeing many gifts on a table.
"Who are these from?" I said as I picked up one of the small boxes and looked at its tag, "Oh, these are from my classmates." As I looked at the other gifts, I opened the small box that was on my hands.

  "Aw, sweets. Along with a fancy small note inside." I said as I ate one of them, "This is so good!" As I ate my sweets, I read the small note that was inside the box,

Dear ( Y/N ),
Hope you get better soon, everybody in class passed the exams, except for Bakugo, Todoroki, and you, sadly.
I'm sorry, ( Y/N ). But they said that they will be another trial for the ones who failed.
Since you passed out during the first exam and didn't wake up until the end of the exams, it seems like you have to redo the exam in a few months, I think.
I did my best to help you pass the exams, but nothing worked. I'm sorry. I hope you can forgive me.

-Momo Yaoyorozu

So this was from Momo? Right.. I think I passed out on her, asking for help. I have to message her saying it's okay!

But before I could find my phone, the door to my room opened, it was the doctor "Ah, Mr's ( Y/N )! You're awake." He said. "How are you feeling so far?" He asked as he sat down on a chair thats nearby my bed, "Painfull." I answered. "Ah.. it's alright. I'll call the nurse to give you your medicine, but for now, let's talk about your injury."

   I sat up as I looked at the doctor, "Do you remember anything that happened before you passed out?" He asked as a click on a pen clicked, "Uhm... I remember that I was doing my Hero License Exam and then someones quirk vibrated the floor and rocks smashed everywhere and then.. I think I was hit by one of the rocks-" I stopped as the pain started doing it's thing, basically just trying to kill me.

   "Do you know how big was the rock?" He asked, "No, I don't think so. But it's like, half the size of this room, and then, just make it fat. And more like a rock." I said. The doctor looked at me confusedly, but he got the point.

  "Ah, okay. Well ( Y/N ), it seems like you're lucky." He said, "Why? I just got hit by a giant rock!" I said, "Well, you're lucky that you didn't went in to coma. That could be a very bad result, more likely to wake up with amnesia. But, it seems like you didn't. I'm suprised." He said.

   "Okay. That's all I need from you for today. I'll call the nurse to bring in your medicine." He said, "Wait! Doctor;" I said. He turned around with a hum, "Was there any visitors who came by?" I asked, "There were a lot actually. I can't count. 20 and above or so? You seem like the popular one to get that many visitors." He said as he laughed at his own joke, "I'm kidding. But yeah, 20 and above." He said, "Oh, okay. Thank you." I said. As he said his welcome, he existed the room.

    "What was I about to do before he came in again?" I asked myself, "Oh right! My phone! Where is it.."

  After a few minutes of finding my phone, I found it. "There it is!" I quickly opened my messages to message Yaoyorozu. I waited a few minutes for her reply, and then she replied,

"( Y/N )! You're awake! I'm gonna tell everyone the exciting news!"

She said, "She's always the excited one." I said to myself as I layed back down on the bed.


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