Todoroki vs Midoriya

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This place has Wi-Fi! 030

"Now, Midoriya versus Todoroki! START!"

When he announced to start the match, Todoroki instantly used his ice but Midoriya used his quirk to stop it from coming at him by breaking the ice and it was charged back to Todoroki, leaving a cold gust of wind to the audience and Midoriya breaking his finger "Wow! Midoriya stopped Todoroki's attack!"

I watched the match closely and knew that Todoroki wasn't using is left side which made me curious why. The attacks cycled with Todoroki charging his ice to Midoriya and Midoriya himself using his quirk to blow it away.

*A smol timeskip cause I don't wanna write it all*

"Todoroki keeps attacking with overwhelming power! Here comes the finishing ice attack!" Present Mic announced. But the atacked was once again, blown away. This time, almost dragging Todoroki out of bounds but he stopped it by creating another wall of ice behind him to prevent him from going out of the arena.

I watched the two stood there with moving mouths because I couldn't hear what they are saying, getting bored myself, I decided to fall asleep for a while. A minute of sleeping, I was woken up by Midoriya yelling, "Come at me with everything you've got!"

With sleepy eyes, I tried to stay awake just to see what was going to happen, almost falling asleep, half of my eyes say Todoroki charging towards Midoriya, which helped me stay awake for a little longer, 'Things are getting interesting here...' I thought.

When he got near him, Midoriya gave him a punch, making him blow away, again, almost out of bounds which also ammused the audience. Todoroki used his ice quirk to charged at Midoriya, but the ice wasn't as fast as before, which gave Midoriya time to dodge it.

*A smole timeskip again cause i'm lazy*


Those words made me more interested in that fight, 'He's going to use his left side..' I thought as I looked at the match intensely. Slowly, Todoroki's fire started to come out, making such intense heat and then.. uh.. a loud person, screaming "SHOTO!" ( cough, Endeavor, cough ) .

With that, Todoroki started using both of his quirks at the same time, "Wow, he's using both quirks at the same time? Aamzing.." I said to myself, as they both were about to attack, they we're stopped by Cemento's quirk, blocking their powers from joining, and also, blew up the arena. With such strong wind, I held tight to my seat, "This is amazing!" I yelled, "Y/N?! Are you serious?!" Tenya said shockingly.

When the smoke was cleared, Present Mic asked, "Hey, who won the match?" Which left us all looking at the arena seeing who won. I couldn't see since most of the smoke was still there, but Midnight announced that Midoriya was out of bounds, which means that Todoroki won.

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