U.A Sports Festival and Food

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*Y/N's P.O.V*

As I woke up, I yawned and opend my eyes, only to see that my room is dark, I looked at my clock only to see that it was 2 in the morning, 'HOW DID I WAKE UP THIS EARLY?!' I thought. As I got up to get my phone from my study desk, I decided to sit there instead. I grabbed a blanket, my pencil case and my sketchbook and started drawing there while listening to music in my phone to pass time while my lamp at my desk was on.

I finished my masterpiece in just an hour so it was 3 a.m. now, so I decided to go back to sleep. I grabbed my blanket, left my pencil case and sketchbook there, and get comfy like a sushi roll, and slept.





I woke up, this time, I woke up with a bright room. I got up and grabbed my uniform, undergarments and others and started to take a shower.

As I finished showering, I put on my clothes and walked downstairs, only to see my mom in the kitchen,

"Ah! Y/N! Come here, your breakfast is ready!" My mother shouted from the kitchen we she found me on the stairs.

I went to the kitchen and sat on the table, breakfast in front of me, it was ( Favourite breakfast to food ). I stared at it and began munching down.

"I wish you good luck on the sports festival today, Y/N. I'll be there cheering for you!" My mother said as she hugged me from the back, "Thanks mom. I should better be going." I said as she let her grasp disappeared, "You should Hun. Don't wanna be late!"

As I ran outside, only to see Tenya outside with his phone on. I carefully closed the door and carefully sneak up on him.





"TENYA!" I Screamed as I placed my hands on his shoulders, making him jolt up by the sudden touch and scream. Tenya nearly dropped his phone by the sudden jumpscare,

"Y/N! That's very rude and unnecessary you know!" He said as he does his hand gestures, "I know, I know. It's just fun doing it! Your reactions are the funniest." I said like nothing even happend.

We both began to walk to school, starting up conversations about the sports festival or some other kind or random topics we had in our minds

As we reached U.A High, we stumbled upon other classmates, greeting them here and there. As we both walked, I decided that I needed to buy a drink before the sports festival starts, "Hey Tenya, I needto buy a drink before it starts. Wanna come?" I said as I pointed to the vending machine, "Sure" he replied, "I needed one too. I forgot to buy mine while I was on my way to your house."

   As I pointed the button for the water, my nose began smelling some good food from the stalls outside the academy. And I started to drool by the nice smell of ( favoutire food ). Soon, Tenya started to realised of why am I taking so long and poked my cheeks, returning me to the real world.

   "I can tell you're smelling that ( favourite food ) arn't you?" Tenya said with a smile, "Of course I am... I can taste it in my mouth already.." I said as I started to drool again, "Why don't I buy one for you?" He said, "Really?! You would do that?!" I said in excitement, "Of course. We're best friends after all!" He said with a thumbs up.

   After that conversation, I agreed to let him buy one ( favourite food ) for me. And I, bought two bottles of water, one for me and one for Tenya. He then returned with two of ( Favourite food ), "Didn't you say you wan't to buy one?" I said in confusion, "I did, but I decided to buy one for myself." He replied back, smiling.

  Munch munch munch,

Munch munch,


"That was good!" I said as I patted my stomach for doing a great job storing the food, "Yeah. Still can't believe that they sell ( Favourite food ) here," Tenya said, "I feel like we"re forgetting something..."






"The Sports Festival will begin in a few minuets! Everyone please take your seats, and student's, get ready!" Hero, Present Mic shouted on the microphone, informing everyone.

  As he said those 18 words, we both instantly ran into the locker rooms, changing into our sports unifroms and ran to the area where we're doing the events. I stood there, on my knees, panting.

  "Y/N, are you okay?" Someone with a squeaky voice asked, it was Uraraka! ( a wild Uraraka Has appeared ! )
"Oh, me? Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little, tired, from, the nervesness ." I said, ( Y/N used excuse! It was very effective ! )
"Oh, I see. Well, let's do our best together!" Uraraka cheered as she punched the air, ( Uraraka used air punch! It was very very effective! )

   As I got back up, on my foot this time, as the festival started.

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