It's A Date

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  "Ah! The date's today! The date's today!" I screamed in my room at 7 in the morning which got my mom who was wearing a face mask and some cucumbers on her eyes to come into my room and ask me what the heck am I shouting about, "Ah, nothing mom! Sorry!" I said, my mom gave me a sigh and ask me to be quiet since it was early and a Sunday.

   After I took a bath, I was infront of my closet thinking of what to wear, "Um.. what should I wear?" I said outloud as I tried on every sing,e clothing until I finally got the right one which was a nice F/C sweater and black shorts with a black belt with some white plastic diamonds on the belt.

   When I'm finally done with my choice of clothing, I left a note on the kitchen table telling my mom that I was going to the park with my friends and won't be back in a few hours. I felt a little guilty for lying but it was for the best that she didn't get to know now because.. uh.. I just didn't want to tell her.

   After I grabbed a snack, I grabbed my phone which was on the mini table beside the front door and putting on my sneakers, I am finally off to go to the park.

7.45 a.m

    When I arrived to the park, I checked the time only see that it was 7.45 a.m. it's still quite early to Tenya wouldn't be here yet, 'Well, I guess i'm the early one now.' I thought. Just after a few seconds of me standing, I heard Tenya calling my name, 'He's early too?!'

   "( Y/N )! There you are. You're 15 minutes late! You kept me waiting!" He said as he placed his arms on his hips, "Wait, 15 minutes late? Didn't I say that we're going at 8?" I asked, "Ah, yeah, but, still!" He stuttered, 'Cute' I thought, "Well, whatever. Let's go now since we're both here already, yeah?" I asked as I held his hand, "Yeah. Let's go."

   We walked around the park, bought ice cream, and had some nice time together until my stomach was rumbling, "Are you hungry, ( Y/N )?" Tenya asked, "Yeah.. I didn't have breakfast since I was such in a rush.." I said as I help my stomach, "Well, let's go eat then. I heard there was this new cafe that opened nearby and I thought we could try it together sometimes," he said as he rubbed the back of his neck, "Let's go then! If it's new, we gotta atleast try thr food right?" I said as I skipped on the path with Tenya following me behind.

  When we finally arived at the cafe, I was amazed at the inside design, "Uwaa! Tenya look! It's a cafe in those movies!" I said as I spun around to look at the ceiling and wall designs. Tenya stoppd me from spinning around when he finally found a seat for us.

  "Mmm even the food here smells good.." I said as I started to drool at the food that a waiter was carrying on a tray, "( Y/N ) stop drooling." Tenya said as he wiped my mouth with a tissue, "But the food smells so good! Just take a deep breath and tell me that the smell affects you and you feel like you wanna eat it!" I said as I looked around for more foods to drool over on, "I do like the smell, and it does make me wanna eat it, but it dosen't get me drooling." He said as wiped my mouth with another tissue.

   After the waiter came to grab our orders, I started to look outside at the streets, "Mmm.. it's so nice going on a date. I though this day would never come." I said as I placed my head on my left hand, "Yeah, it's very nice to go on a date. Especially if it's with you, ( Y/N )," Tenya said as he grabbed my right hand and started to kiss the front, "Ahh, you're just like a prince!" I said as I covered my blushing face, which got Tenya laughing and started complimenting me on how cute I am when I blush

   When our food arrived, I started digging in to it, "Mmm! Thish food issh dwishios!" ( Mmm! This food is delicious! ) I said with my mouth full, " ( Y/N ) i've already said this back at Someii, but don't talk with your mouth full!" Tenya said as he ate his food, "Ahaha, sorry. I couldn't resist to not say that." I said as I swallowed my food.

  After our visit to the cafe, we were both finally about to walk around the park again and finally reached a bench to rest on. It was nice and quiet until someone called our names, "Hey, ( Y/N )? Iida? Is that you?" It was our old female classmates back at Someii, "Oh hey guys. Good to see you again." I waved which Tenya also said 'Hi'  

   "Soo.. what are you guys doing?" One of them said, "Ah well.. we are on a date." I said as I fidgeted my fingers, "Oh seriously?! Good for you two then for being a couple!" Another one of them said, that is until I heard one of them said under their breath, "Until you two break up, I could finally be with him." Which gave me a tick mark on my forehead, but I didn't burst out yet,

  "Alright. We better go now. See you guys later." Their leader said as she walk past Tenya, which I saw with my own two eyes, and heard with my two ears that she was holding Tenya's free hand and telling him, "Same goes to you, Tenya Iida." Which gave me another tick mark on my forehead.

  From my angry expression, Tenya could already tell that I heard what she said to him and how i'm already jealous about it, "( Y/N )? Are you alright?" He said, "No." I said angrily and crossed my arms, "Alright, I know you heard what she just said. Just know, that I'm yours and you're mine. Nobody could take your spot of my number 1." He said as he rubbed my back which got me to calm down a little, "That's not gonna help.." I said as I placed my head on his arm, "Fine. I guess this will help." He said as he grabbed my chin and gave me a kiss on the lips, "Does that help?" He said, "Mm.. yeah." I said with a little blush on my cheeks, which got Tenya laughing about how i'm blushing again.

   After a nice rest of the bench, it was finally 3. p.m, "Well, it's already late noon. Let's call it a day, yeah?" I said as I got up, "Yeah. Let's call it a day." He said as he got up after me and we both walked until we both reached my house, "See you at the training camp?" I said, "Yeah. See you." He said as he gave me a kiss on the lips once again, "Bye." He said as he walked off to his house.

  When I entered my house, I saw my mother on the couch arms crossed and sinister smirking, "Hmm... going out with 'friends' huh?" She said, "Ehehe... hey mom.."

Well crap.



MMMmmmMMmmmMm Some of the part made me cringe, but it was worth it. Hope you guys don't cringe at this. x3

How is the mother gonna react judging by her reaction? Wait for the next chapter next year. HENWHEHEHEH jk lmao. Just wait for a day or a few. uwu

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