Enter, U.A Highschool

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EDITED : Few Grammar mistakes, terrible writing

Y/N's P.O.V. Months Passed until I decided to try the entrance exam for U.A Highschool. I wan't to make it there. I want to become a hero.

As I enter the gates of U.A with Tenya, my heart is already beating like a jack-rabbit. "H-Hey, T-Tenya..Are y-you not nervous of t-this?" I asked, feeling nervously, "Well, i'm pretty confident i'll make it. And i'm sure you'll too. Don't be too nervous, Y/N." Iida said, with a genuine-like smile. I calmed down a little because of his smile. I decided to feel a little bit of confidence, "Alright! Let's Do Our Best in this exam!" I shouted gaining most of the students cheers. O felt embarrassed by what I've done. I blushed lightly and fidget with my fingers. "Hey, I'm gonna use the restroom first okay? You go ahead in first." I say, "Okay. Come back soon though, the exam is going to start soon." Iida answerd. I nodded and headed away, looking for the girls restroom.

*Tenya's P.O.V*

After Y/N left, I went inside the building. I took my seat and saved a seat next to me for Y/N. She arrived pretty soon. "Sorry, am I late?" Y/N said, "No, not at all. I just got here." I answerd. She smiles sweetly and took a seat beside me. 'Her smile is cute.. even if I was smart, I could not describe this feeling whenever I see that smile she gives me... It must be that thing called lov- IIDA TENYA, STOP THINKING LIKE THIS. SHE'S YOUR BEST FRIEND FOR GOD'S SAKE, YOU CAN'T FALL INLOVE WITH HER. WHAT IF SHE ALREADY FELL INLOVE WITH SOMEONE?! It hurts to think of that...I don't know why...'

After the Hero, Present Mic, started to talk about the robots that we we're suppose to gather points,I started to see Y/N completely annoyed by something, and I heard it. Indubitable Mumbling. I stood up and said "May I ask a question?" I asked as I raised my hand up and stood up, "Okay!" Said Present Mic, "On the printout, they are four types of villans. Is that is a misprint, Then U.A, the most prominent school in Japan, should be ashamed of that foolish mistake. We examinees are here in this place because we wish to be molded into examplary heroes. In addition m you over there- with the curly hair, you have been muttering this whole time, it's distracting! If you're here on a pleasure trip, then you should leave immediately." I called out the boy who has been distracting and annoying us with his muttering. He coverd his mouth and said a small, "I'm sorry". Present Mic afterwards asked me to settle down.

*Y/N's P.O.V*

After what Iida did to make mutter-boy shushed, I gave him a small thanks because it was distracting and annoying. I was happy to be fully focused on this now.

*Time Skip. Cause why not?*

'61 points...I need to find a robot..c'mon..There! A 2 point!'

I gatherd light energy from the sun and sent a flying light ball towards it, making a hole go through it as it crashed down. I flew awak from the crash because I wasreally close to it. "That's 63 points now.." "TWO MINUTES!" I gave a suprised face and instantly flew off to find another bot. I saw a kid who didn't have time to intereact to a robot that is a 1 pointer so I pushed him away from the bot and quickly spun around to gave it a wing slap. It stung my wing a little but it was fine afterwards. I shot a lazer of light at it. That's 64 points now. I flew away without letting the kid thank me as I find a 0 pointer coming to a brown-haired girl. And I saw Mumble-boy jumping in the air.  His legs and hands hurting as they we're a shade of dark purple and maroon? I don't know. I quickly flew up and grabbed the poor boy and glided down to the ground. I hear mumbles about the boy and some of them saying that I really am an angel but with no halo, I sighed and saw an old lady which I pursume to be the nurse. "Here you go, have some candy for your hard work" she aid as she handed out candies to everyone, "Don't eat it all at once tho, you might get sick."
She then spotted the injured boy and she asked me to out him down. She kissed him, which I find it weird, but I could tell she has a healing quirk.

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