You're Best Friends With a Boy named Iida Tenya ever since childhood . You both dreamt of being future heroes, there, you both decided to go to U.A Highschool for future heroes . Then you soon start to grow affection towards him as time goes by slow...
You we're inside your room, drawing. Drawing all day in our summer break. Air conditioner on, blanket wrapped around you, and just drawing on your computer ( You're using your drawing tablet for it c: ) until you recieved a message from Mina.
Mina : Hey, Y/N! How's your summer going?
Y/N : Oh, it's great. How about yours?
Mina : Mine's doing fine.
Mina : The reason that I message you is that I invited the girls and guys over to the beach! The weather Is pretty good anyway. So?
Y/N : Yeah, sure. Let me pack my swimsuit.
Y/N : Are you gonna pick me up or something?
Mina : Yeah! I'll be wating outside!
Y/N : K, I'll see you there.
And with that, you closed your phone and began packing your stuff such as sunscreen, your swimsuit, extra shirt and shorts, freash cold fruit drinks and chips.
"Mina!" You yelled as you ran outside of your apartment locking the door, "Hey Y/N! You ready for this summer beach day?!" Mina said, "Heck yeah!" And with that, you wen't inside her car and began talking about random stuff.
As you two arrived at the beach, you spotted Kirishima, Kaminari, Midoriya, Jirou, Yao-Momo ( Yaoyorozu ), Midoriya, Tsuyu, Ochaco and others from class 1-A except Bakugo of course.
"Hey Y/N!" Kirishima said, "Hey Kiri." You said as you waved, "Y/N, you're not gonna swim?" Ochaco said, "Oh I am, just that I don't wanna change now. I should hane now tho since all of you are in your swimsuits."
While you we're changing, you we're keeping an eye out for that perverted Mineta. Because well, his usual perverted Mineta self found sneak in the girls locker room. Cause he's Mineta for God's sake! After you changed you looked at yourself with your F/C matching swimsuit
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( it's a two-pieced swimsuit. )
"It looks better on the model in the store." You sweatdropped. As you walked out, the whole class had eyes on you, "Dang Y/N...." Mineta said as he started slowly creeping on you, "Don't come any closer or I'll make you blind with my light quirk so that you can't see anymore girls body parts." You said and he started walking back, afraid.
"C'mon guys! Let's go swimming!! The water awaits us!!" Mina said, "Wait for me!" Ochaco said and the whole class followed her to the water except you, that is chilling on the blanket you placed down, spreading sunscreen over you, "I wish I could get the back part.." you sighed, "Atleast i'll be wearing covering clothing to prevent people from seeing."
"Y/N?" You turned to the voice, it was Tenya, "You're not gonna swim?" He said, sutting next to you, "I am. Just trying to get the sunsceen to get to back part." You said. When you looked at his face, he was lightly blushing, "O-Oh, I wish I could help.." he said a few parts underneath his breath so you wouldn't hear it.
"Well, I'll be swimming now! C'mon! You could join us!" You said running to the water, "Guys! Y/N's here!" Momo said, "SPLASH HER WITH WATER!" Kirishima said, and they all began splashing you with water, "S-Stop it guys!" You said, laughing at their childish moves and they all stopped,
After a few minutes of playing with the water, Tenya prepared food for us, "Class 1-A! The food is prepared and it awaits you!" He said, you looked over and saw plenty of food and drinks on a long table, "Let's go guys! Or else I'll take the food for myself!" You said "Aw, Y/N! That's not fair!" Kisishima whined, chasing after you.
"The food taste's like heaven! Tenya! When did you learn to cook?!" You said eating your steak, "Well, I learned some from my brother" he said, rubbing the back of his neck, blushing, "Can you cook for me sometime?" You said, "U-Uh, sure. If I could come over to your apartment.." he said, still blushing.
After you ate your food from your precious chef, Tenya Iida, you sat down on the blanket on the sand, looking through your phone, "Y/N?" You turned to the holy voice which belonged to Ochaco , "Oh hey, Ochaco." You said turning back to your phone, "Is that M/N ( Manga Name )?" She said, "Yeah." You said, scrolling through the Manga you made,
"I love that manga! It's really interesting!" She said looking at it, "I really wanna meet the artist for this manga, I love it so much!" She said, but little did she know, that the artist was you. "Oh. They said that they are gonna do a meet and greet here in Japan, it's not quite far from U.A. Just an hour away, ( Holy shit that's far. )
After you said that, you looked at her which she had the 'ARE YOU SERIOUS?!' Face on, you chuckled at her face, "Hey don't worry, I could give you a ride there. I'm going anyways." You said, "Really?!" "Yup, i'll buy you the passes for it too." You said, "NONONONO YOU DON'T HAVE TO BUY ME THE PASS, I COULD BUY ONE FOR MYSELF!" She said waving her hands, you just laughed at her shocked reaction.
As you just played with the sand, building a sand castle, the sun began setting, "Y/N! Come watch the sunset!" Momo said, you nodded and ran to them, "Wow.." everyone said, amused by the sunset, "It's beautiful.." you said, and right when you said that, someone hugged you from the back, nuzzling it's head to your head, you looked up and saw Tenya,
"You're more beautiful..." he said, "T-Tenya?!" You said, you looked to your left and then to your right, Mina smirking, Momo, Tsuyu and Ochaco smiling, Kirishima and Kaminari giving you a thumbs up. And you tooked back at Tenya, "T-Thank you..." you said, and just when you said that, he stopped hugging you and kissed you.
"Heeeeeeeeey......Iida.....that's not get to hug her......your hands underneath her.....brea-" Mineta stopped his sentence as you chopped him on the hair, really hard, "YOU LITTLE PERVERT!" You screamed, and just that, you chased mineta around, everyone watching you two. And as it turned 6:40, you all bid your goodbyes, and wen't back home. And that was your summer. But will you still go to tye meet'n'greet with Ochaco tho? Who knows? ;3
Lol, sorry for being inactive. I promise to do the next chapter, but have this special version first, since it's summer...except in Malaysia...Yes I live there. Meh. It's like, summer everyday there, but like, 2x hotter. Anyways, hope you guys enjoy the chapter. Who knows whether i'll be making the meet'n'greet chapter. Comment whether you wan't me to! Thanks for reading! Happy summer!