Chapter 9

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I was glad I bought some of my own food so I don't have to see any Asgardians who will probably just mock me for being a girl from earth. Should I visit Loki today? I did promise Thor that I will try my best to change him. I'm still regretting that. I ate my breakfast, just some bread and a cup of tea because I could not bring milk, and head down to the dungeon.

 I ate my breakfast, just some bread and a cup of tea because I could not bring milk, and head down to the dungeon

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I see him, reading a book, and no I did not see that coming. I never actually get to see this side of him. I thought of him as someone who likes to play pranks on people. I did not want to disturb him. So I sat on the stairs, looking at him, maybe staring at him. Let's get this straight, he is really good looking, and to be honest, all those "non-humans" are pretty good looking which is unfair since they have human traits. I know Loki is a frost giant but his Asgardian look is way too humane. Loki took a breathe and closed his book.

"Charmed by me?" He smiled as he turns towards me

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"Charmed by me?" He smiled as he turns towards me.

"I'm not going to deny you are good-looking, even in your frost giant look but no I'm not charmed," I replied.

"Really?" His cheeky smile is shown once again.

"Yes really, I was just thinking how unfair it is," I complained.

"How so? You're a beauty too you know," he looked into my eyes.

Was it because I haven't interacted with a man since forever? Why does this affect me so much? I could feel my face heating up.

"Oh shut up..." I mumbled while looking away.

"Someone is getting a little shy isn't she," I could hear Loki's laughter.

"Whatever... Why don't you share with me how did you get the scepter?" I asked, trying to change the topic.

"Why should I tell you," his cheeky attitude is back.

"I heard they're extremely powerful," I answered.

"That is correct," he replied.

"So are you going to me?" I asked, again.

"Maybe if you give me a kiss?" He teased.

I flustered, "Only if the kiss is replaced by a slap," I answered, looking away again.

"Someone hasn't given anyone her first kiss has she?" He continued.

I swear I want to punch him so so badly.

"Does it look like I have when you saw my past?" I smirked.

"Then wouldn't you have known how I get the scepter when you see my past?" He counted.

"Darling, you're like a thousand years old, there's no way I could see every single one of them. I was only focusing on some of it." I answered. "But thanks for the suggestion, I will look into it," I added and prepare to leave.

"Wait!" He yelled, similar to the time when he was in the cell on Earth.

I turn back,"What?"

"When.. When you know it, will you still visit again?" He asked.

"It is only a matter of time before I need to make my way back to Earth, I'm no Asgardian, just a regular hu... Midgard I suppose," I responded. "But... I'll still visit you tomorrow," I smiled and left.

I was starving, I forgot to eat lunch. I went back to my room, only to find a note and some really delicious looking food. I read the note first, it was from Thor. The letter read as 

 The letter read as 

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"Hey Lily

Heard from the guards you were

still in the dungeon, thanks for

helping out, really appreciate it.

It's past lunch time so you must

be starving when you're back. I

got you some food. Don't worry

they are safe for humans.


Behind the note read:

"PS: I learned this in Earth. Speaking of which I will be going there for a while, so enjoy your time here in Asgard"

I sweatdrop, I came all the way from Earth, with every risk, to find him, and now he's telling me he's returning back to earth?! Urgh, this pair of brothers really getting on my nerves!

I got to admit, those moments we had just now does put a smile on my face. Could it be...romance? No way... With Loki? That's insane! I still cherish my life alright. He managed to control me once, but he isn't going to fool me twice. He probably just want to flirt with me so that I can help him escape. Yep, that must be it! But I like our little moments because... It does not last.

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