Chapter 2

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"Do you know? How special you are?" I could feel the voices in my head. I shivered, those voices were the "scientists" in the lab I was being experimented on. Ever since the fall of my family, I've discovered something new, it felt like a gift but a curse as well. Power manipulation is what they label me as but I'm more than just that, which is also how I managed to escape from the lab. They kept me in a room, a special room and collar on our necks to prevent us to use our powers. I'll be honest here, I never considered myself as a mutant, for as long as I remember, none of my parents are mutants, so it doesn't make sense if I'm a mutant... Neither does it make sense that I have any power at all. Maybe I wasn't born with one since my powers emerge from the dark, am I possessed? Maybe. I can use shadow to go over places and no that's not a mutant power since neither the room nor the collar was able to stop me from doing it. It felt amazing for a moment, I felt like I was teleporting, but for a breeze moment, it was dark, complete darkness. Till this point, I'm used to it. I can move objects around, create illusions with this dark power.

I stood up on my sofa in a small apartment that no one can find me. It was a nightmare in the lab, but my target wasn't them. It was the Stark Industries. If it wasn't them, I could have been living with my family happily right now. No experiments, no torture, no daily training. Just a regular high school child.

I miss being normal.

Well, that was ironic since my life is pretty normal right now - besides my training. I managed to create an illusion on myself to give myself a different face, body, and clothes every time I leave the apartment. I want to make sure I'm strong, strong enough to overcome my fears of being taken back to the lab. Trust me, you never know what kind of new equipment they can come up with just to tackle your powers. If they can restrain mutant powers then it's always safe to be a step ahead of them.

I want to master both destruction and creation. I know I can do it. I just need more training and power. I want to fully understand what my powers are, or where it even came from.

"Let's see what's on the news..." I mumbled as I switch on the television. My eyes twitched a little as the news talk about the Stark Industries success. Tony Stark is the former head of the Stark Industries. He's currently mostly known as "Iron Man". A "superhero" who I really can't see why. He's a man in an iron suit. He can be easily crushed by any mutants I've seen. Sure he got the mind and technology, but does he really think he can go up against someone who can control metals or incredible speed or telepathy? I highly doubt so. I offed the tv since there wasn't much to see. I should probably start to plan how I can seek this "revenge" or I could just go straight in and kill him. No, I'm not going to kill him, I want him to suffer like I did - witnessing the death of my loved ones, being powerless to stop it from happening.

Do I need a plan? Perhaps I do if I want it to run smoothly. Should I disguise as a spy? I don't need to hide my appearance, he doesn't know me. Maybe I could join the S.H.I.E.L.D, yeah that sounds like a plan. S.H.I.E.L.D is an extra-governmental military counter-terrorism and intelligence agency, tasked with maintaining global security. I can use it as an opportunity. Disguise as "the good guys" before stabbing them with a knife. I chuckled, but how do I get into the agency? Mind manipulation? Disguise as a former agent? God, there's a lot of ways.

But little did I know.. It was much simpler than I thought, somehow, their leader, Nick Fury recognize me as one of the survivors from the lab, he took interest in my abilities and combat skills and decided to invite me to join and be part of his new team called "The Avengers". I have not heard about it, a part of me was afraid if I will end up like in the lab, but one thing is for sure, they don't restrain my powers, and with my full power, I can wipe out the entire agent if they became a treat to me.

With this offer given to me, I smiled, "Gladly," I replied to him. No matter what "The Avengers" is, I'm one step closer to my target - Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark.  

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