Chapter 16

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A/N: Potential Spoilers on Thor: Ragnarok

My head hurts, my vision was blurry.

"Where...Am...I?" I mumbled to myself.

The last thing I remember was hitting some kind of force or wormhole and the rest was history. I seem to have landed on some kind of planet or realms. Honestly, I have no idea. I created a shield around me, a different kind of shield, this allows me to have oxygen, just in case there isn't one I do not wish to suffocate.

I stepped out, slowly and carefully. This look like some kind of wasteland city. I levitated myself and look from the top. There's a city or some sort in front. So I fly there, landed on the roof. I could hear people talking to each other, in English. Am I still on Earth?

I saw a huge tall tower, way taller than the old Avengers Tower

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I saw a huge tall tower, way taller than the old Avengers Tower. Maybe I should go there, or ask one of the locals but it will be awkward, it's not like it is a country or something.

"Excuse me, may I know what is this place?" I asked one of the locals anyway.

He looks at me weirdly, "This is Sakaar, surrounded by cosmic gateways, Sakaar lives on the edge of the known and unknown." He replied.

"How can you be here without knowing this is Sakaar," he asked.

"I erm got into an accident and lost most of my memories so..."I laugh nervously.

"My, poor child," He shook his head.

"If you don't mind, can you explain more to me?" I asked. He nodded.

"Sakaar is like any other planet, except this is an artificial planet created by the Grandmaster. The Sakaaran Arena is where the Grandmaster's champion fight with each other. Currently, the hulk is the champion who no one has beaten yet," he explained.

"Wait, the Hulk? I've heard of him before," I said. Why is the Hulk here?

"Of course you do, thousands of us Sakaarans cheered for him, he's extremely popular here," He said with excitement. I nodded and thanked him before leaving.

It is going to take some time to get myself familiarized with this place. I need to determine what kind of person is the Grandmaster, for all I know he may be either some fun guy or a crazy one, would be worse if he is both.

I look up to the sky, it was dark, I flew back to my jet, thank god it's not badly damaged. I went in and call it a day.

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