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The clock was the only other noise in the classroom aside from the teacher babbling. The classroom was filled with utter silence other than that. A ray of sunshine hit your eye as a random student from the window seat used a miss or to reflect light to random people's eyes possibly because they were bored.

"Class, great job at the mid-terms. You all passed and no one failed, although there were some students about to fail." The adult female eyed a few students who sighed of relief.

"It's halfway through the year and I have an announcement to make." She said clearing her throat.

A student next to you leaned closer to you with a snicker. "I bet Miss Austell is gonna come out" The girl whispered to you and went back to her seat.

'Weird' you though my placing a strand of (H/c) hair behind you ear. You didn't even know the girl next to you personally. You concluded that she just must have had no one else to talk to.

"For this half of the year. In history class, you are all tasked to do a project that takes up 70% of your grade" she said.

The entire class ended up having mixed reactions. Murmurs spread through the classroom as you stayed silent but surprised.

"If you are all wise enough, you will all stop this whining and chatter so you will know what this project is all about." She sternly said making the class quiet down.

"You are all tasked to make a Essay about what it would be like to live in the past. You all may choose any time period or historical event, even connect other events together. Only as long as the essay has  and is based off historical facts and is a original idea. It may be as long as you desire. Though if I were you I wouldn't stick to one or two pages if you want to pass this class" she said.

"That is all, I'm dismissing you all early for today. The essay is due in two weeks. Goodbye and have a nice rest of your day class" the teacher finished. As soon as that was said the class erupted in shuffles of paper placing their papers and books into their bags, some leaving the classroom already.

You picked up your bag and left the classroom. The school halls had student in them, not too filled thanks to the early dismissal Miss Austell had given. You were still in a state of shock from the task. You had several thoughts popping up in your head left and right. You were concentrated on those thoughts as you unconsciously did the routine of placing unneeded books in the locker and going to the back of the school where a large dogwood tree resided.

You placed your book bag to the ground as you slumped against the tree with a sigh. You had always favored this spot of the school, it was peaceful at times and it made you feel like a character from a storybook.

"No ones here. Thats Great. I can talk out loud without looking like a retard" you muttered with a small chuckle following. You brought out a small notebook and and pen. "I still can't believe we have a project that takes up 70 percent of our grade.... meaning finals and all that other things are just 30 percent...." you said.

"I have to start it now if I'm gonna want to pass History." You stated.

A few good minutes of silence passed as you thought of what to write. A leaf from the tree above fell as your (E/c) orbs followed the leafs movements until it reached the empty notebook page.

"I guess I'll sleep on it.... it's still 40 minutes until the other classes are dismissed..." you mumbled slowly drifting off to sleep.

Black. That was all you could see. Just pure darkness nothing more nothing less.

Thinking it was just utter darkness in your sleep and no dream going on. Until,




It sounded like, waves? You noticed your eyes were shut tight as you slowly fluttered them open. You just saw a blur of white. You used your hands to feel your surroundings. You moved your hands around the ground and it felt grainy and dusty..... 'it must be sand.'  You thought. Your eyes finally gained clear vision and you saw waves crashing and the ocean. You stood up stumbling slightly.

You found yourself in a white sundress slightly wet and tattered. Your (H/l) (H/c) hair slightly messy, and your legs conversed in sand. You brushed off the sand and looked around.

It was just a sandy beach with nothing but rocks, and small pebbles on the shore. You turned to your left and saw a wooden platform on the beach  and ocean. Your eyes drifted following where the wooden platform lead into the ocean, in the distance your  (E/c) eyes say ships. They seemed large from the distance you were. You then confirmed that there would be a town or something if there were ships.

You walked towards the other side of the wooden platform and proved your theory correct. You walked into a town and found yourself in a town. People walked and spoke, it brimmed with life as merchants and people sold and bought things.

"Where am I...?" You said aloud letting a random passing man hear you and hold a bottle up high and cheer. "Yer in th' land 'f beer and ale!" He said and walked away tipsily laughing like there was no tomorrow.

You looked at him with a mix of concern and confusion. "This is why I don't drink..." you mumbled.

Then decided to approach a lady who looked like she was buying something from the stand. Her appearance from behind looked like She wore a navy blue coat that reached up to her knees and brown long boots that reached up to her knees. From behind she had silky raven hair that fell to her waist.

You tapped her shoulder and she turned around. In ten front she looked like she was wearing what it seemed like a long sleeved white shirt under a black corset (which looked like pure torcher), and a short black skirt made it to her mid thigh. Her face was white and fair and her orbs were a deep crimson color. "Hello miss, do you know where this is?" You asked.

"You are in in Irerand [Ireland]. You seem rost [Lost] out of your mind to not know where you are. You don't rook drunk though." She chuckled. Her accent was strange. Her 'L's were slightly pronounced as 'R's...

"Yeah I'm not from here" you lied. "So what are you doing here in Irerand?" The girl asked. "Umm" you tried thinking of a lie to cover up but she cut you off. "Sorry that must when been rude of me. You must need a place to stay. Plus your clothes seem.... worn out" she said. "You're right..." you tried to laugh half heartedly.

"I can help you get clothes. I'm not sure if they'll fit though.. I'll give you food as werr." She said and you nodded not wanting to be rude to decline the offer.

"Ikou!" She said. "I Mean, let's go!" She motioned you to follow her.

She lead you through the crowds who stared at the two of you. So you went closer to the slightly shorter girl who looked around your age. "Don't worry. They are looking at me not you." She said and continued walking.

You found yourself walking with her to the dock making you wonder where the girl was leading you and you stopped in front of something you didn't expect.

A pirate ship.

Déjà vu- A Hetalia x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now