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to resort to ; go to


It had been months since you had been under the ship and "care" of the spanish. You got bored easily, everyday was just the usual. You hoped that if the dream were going to be long as heck then it better get interesting or just end. Emma was a nice person. If ever nice was a synonym of intimidating, then Abel is nice as well.

You sat on the nest leaning against the wood. You got the journal out of your pocket and scanned through it, you tried entertaining yourself by reading your writings but reading your messy and poorly written words, rants, and tangents on paper was not doing the trick. 'How the heck do pirates live like this everyday aside from the days they go into battle?!'

You stood up, your hands holding on the wood. You saw Gabriel stirring the wheel. A smirk had made its way to your face as you sat back down and teared a page from your journal. You immediately folded the paper to make it look like paper plane.

You stood up again and aimed for his head.

The paper plane drifted down and hit his head making the portuguese man flinch.


You crouche to see his reaction. The man bent down to retrieve the thing that had hit him behind his head. He held it weirdly with the plane's top resting on his palm. He turned it around and held the handle with his index finger and thumb. 'Oh shit, i forgot planes don't exist yet. This will be even more priceless!'

Gabriel looked at the paper contraption that hit him on the head. It didn't hurt but he was confused to how such a light weighted thing caused him to get distracted.

You ripped another piece of paper which had the words 'i hate life' messily written on it, in which our defence, you were bored one day and folded it into a plane. You noticed he unfolded the plane somehow and was stunned that it was just paper.

You threw the plane with all your force and it hit is nose. For a split second, you saw that he became cross eyed, he looked at the other contraption that hit him. The paper made thing fell to the ground. He placed the sheet of parchment paper down then picked up the other one. He unfolded it then squinted his eyes to read the words. He recognised the messy handwriting and looked up at the next. He let out a growl you weren't able to hear and muttered something under his breath. He picked up the other piece of paper and crumbled the two to make a ball. He aimed for you and hit your head.

You laughed at his easily pissed off nature and continued looking out the nest doing your job.


"¡TODA LA TRIPULACIÓN EN CUBIERTA! (ALL CREW TO THE DECK!)" a muffled voice had yelled from outside. Anya immediately got up and decided to exit. She usually complained, grumbled, and hesitated but she just stood up and left. Out of curiosity, you waited for a minute to three to pass before you snuck to know what was so important.

Normally you would go if Antonio said the words in english first then later on in their native language. You remember being strictly prohibited to go to the deck when they were called in spanish alone. You respected that order several times but this time, you thought that it would be fine just to go this once.

You hid behind the hatch and tried to overhear things. You had picked up some spanish words after being in there for so long, some of the words you heard there and understood were morir which meant die, orden which meant order, and tonto which meant fool. It seemed like a normal talk so far. That was until the point that Antonio said something, making the entire crew talk in tones of shock, anger, and different other reactions.

Déjà vu- A Hetalia x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now