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再び - futatabi - again


You looked around your surroundings as fast as you could. Your eyes landed on a shrub with several small pink and white flowers on it. You sprinted behind it, attempting to hide. You mentally scolded yourself for thinking that you could get away by hiding behind a bush. A flowery bush.

'Crap.crap.crap.crap. I need to think of something if i ever get caught.' you thought. You took a peek to see a boy with choppy dark brown hair that comes down to his jaw and light brown eyes. You tried crawling to the side for him to avoid catching you. You were going to try and move to a less obvious place but you heard shuffling from the direction you were crawling to. You were about to go back but you hit something behind you. You flipped your body awkwardly to the side so that you could face what you hit.

You looked up to see the same boy with brown hair and eyes, he wore a red robe like thing that had designs of darker red swirls imprinted on the robe. He had a yellow cloth that was wrapped around his waist like a belt. The shoulder to the arm side had laces of gold on the side. It looked like something a king would wear. "Nǐ shì shéi? (是谁 - who are you?)" he asked with a stern voice. He looked fairly young, about in his teenage years you presumed. "What?" you muttered. 'Not this again'

"Nǐ shì shéi." he said the same in a even more demanding tone. "Nee she shay" you replied back, , trying to imitate what he had said. "Shénme?" he furrowed his eyebrows, even more confused than you were. You mentally cursed at yourself for what you had just done. He held his hand out to you. You hesitated but took it anyways. 'If he tries to kill me then the dream would end. Its a plus plus there.'

He helped pull you up and you stared at him. Creepily. However he didn't seem bothered by it. Before any of you could speak, you heard another yell come from the side. He let go of your hand and you both turned to see a person who had dark hair that was tied back into a ponytail and hazel eyes. The person wore a similar thing to what the boy was wearing expect that it had more of black and gold accents to it and the cloth belt was in a golder shade.

"Jia Long! Huílái- , Shì shéi? (回来- , who is that?)" the man? Woman? Person, you presumed by the tone of their voice, asked. "Wǒ bù zhīdào (我不知道 , i do not know)" the boy replied back. The person with longer hair turned to you, the other one follow-suited. "Nǐ shì shéi?" the person with the ponytail asked you the same phrase the boy asked you earlier.

"Um. do- you- speak- english?" you said cutting your words and speaking slowly. "We understand you" the person with the ponytail replied, slightly shocking you. "Why are you here" he asked you.

"If you don't mind me asking, where am i?" you asked. "You didn't answer my question." the person frowned.

"Oh. sorry, i don't know haha" you said awkwardly. The boy with shorter hair looked at the person with the ponytail and spoke to him in what you guessed was a asian language, not to be racist or anything, judging by their clothing and their voice as well as accent. After they had a short exchange of words, the one with the ponytail sighed. "Follow us" he said.


They looked at you weirdly. "I'm not going anywhere until you tell me where i am and where you will take me" you firmly said. 'If this is the same as last time, i should be smarter, even if it is a dream again'

"You- no, we're in Beijing" the ponytail person said. 'So china?' "if you speak english then to be exact, we are in Zhongguo" he/she added. 'What?'

"We will bring you inside" the boy said. You gave them a weird look, "why?"

"Because we said so" the person with the ponytail stated, the tone way less unemotional then the other boy's. "What is your proof that you won't kill me?" you asked again.

"Why do you think we would kill you?" the boy countered. "Now follow us" he said. "No" you replied.

"We will give you help. You are lost and aren't from here right?" the ponytail person inquired. You bit the inside left part of your cheek in frustration. "Why can't you tell me here?" you asked. "Do you speak any other language than english and questioning?" the boy grumbled and grabbed your wrist dragging you with him.

You were dragged to walk in a path made of stone, you looked around the garden to see all sorts of flowers, trees, and plants elegantly fixed. You looked in your front to see that you were approaching a large red door with it bordered in gold as well as designed with distinct art. The person with the ponytail pushed the door open as he let you and the boy dragging you in.

You entered to where the large red door lead you to a hallway that had a carpet on the floor. There were rectangular pillars and most of the pillars and corners of the wall were embroidered with swirls. It looked so fancy, whereas the former place you had been in was grimmy and the complete opposite (except for arthur and antonio's rooms). The ponytail person opened another door leading you to a room that looked almost equally as fancy as the hallway, except there was a throne like thing, a few meters away in front of you.

The boy suddenly let your wrist go making you stumble a bit. You took a look around you to observe the place more, you looked back to the front to see a person sitting on the throne, their back up strait and their arms rested on the armrest of the seat.

The person with the ponytail bowed before the throne, if you were using your common sense, to the person sitting on the throne. The boy did the same and his head turned to you, you felt a hand suddenly push force to your back making you look like you were bowing.

You looked to see the boy retract his arm and put his hand on his side. You were thinking to do something back to the boy or yell at him but you heard a stern voice.

"Shàngshēng (上升,rise)"

You saw the person with the ponytail and the boy get up from bowing, you did the same. The person with the ponytail said something to the person on the throne. The person on the throne nodded and turned to the boy. He seemed to ask something making the boy flinch. He responded and looked at you. The person on the throne nodded again and looked at the one with the ponytail and seemed to ask something again. The person with the ponytail looked at you.

"He asks of why you are here." the person with the ponytail said to you.

"Euhm... i- er-, i come from the future and am stuck here." you said, 'the same excuse as last time but it isn't a lie, i guess'

The person with the ponytail and the boy looked at you weirdly. The person with the ponytail glanced at the person on the throne again and looked back at you. "The truth please"

"That is the truth" you persisted.

The person with the ponytail looked back at the one on the throne and said something. The person with the ponytail and the boy looked shocked, they looked like they wanted to say something and looked troubled.

They bowed again and turned away, the person with the ponytail looked at you "follow us, i'll explain outside" he or she whispered. You reluctantly followed after taking a glance at the person on the throne.

Déjà vu- A Hetalia x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now