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a kind of melancholic trance in which you become completely absorbed in vivid sensory details—raindrops skittering down a window, tall trees leaning in the wind, clouds of cream swirling in your coffee—which leads to a dawning awareness of the haunting fragility of life, a mood whose only known cure is the vuvuzela.


You seemed to regain consciousness but it was still dark. 'Where am i? Am i dead? What's happening to me?' you thought. You realized that your eyes were shut tight close so you flashed them open in less than a split second. You breathed in a gasp of air as if you had just regained your breath.

You looked around to see the school in front of you. You found your notebook put to the side of you as you were still sitting on the hill under the tree. You groaned and rubbed the back of your neck after twisting it. "Sheesh how long was i out for?"

"About an hour" you heard a voice said from in front of you. "Well at least i think. You're in my class so we were dismissed earlier at 16 (4pm), it's already 17:07 (5:07pm)." you saw a girl with long brown hair, a wild wavy strand sticking out on the right side of her hair, she had a flower hair clip on, she had hazel eyes and light skin. "I'm Mei Xiao." she smiled.

"Oh sorry, my name's Y/n L/n" you said standing up, getting your notebook, placing it in your backpack. "Were you here the whole time?" you asked awkwardly, embarrassed.

"Oh, no. I just saw you sleeping a few minutes ago. I decided to wake you up since it's getting late" she said. "Thanks" you thanked her. You walked with her on the way to the gates since you had to go home anyways.

"Mei!" You heard someone beside the gates yell. You and mei turned to see a group of girls waiting there. "Oh those are my friends! Do you want to walk with us?" she offered. "No, it's fine." you said and decided to walk out. You took a glimpse at the fairly large yet small group of girls. You spotted familiar hair and eyes from three of them but you shrugged it off. 'I must be getting tired.'

You arrived home, you immediately walked up to your room and plopped your bag down to the side of your desk and sat down on your bed. You lied down rubbing your eyes, not only physically but mentally tired. You were tempted to just pass out once again but you remembered the homework that was needed to be done.

You answered and done the homework that was assigned today and that were due tomorrow however your head had a constant throbbing and aching. You decided to stop doing the calculating or essay writing and decided to work on that history project.

You got the notebook you were supposedly writing your ideas on but you saw that the notebook itself had changed. It was now oldish, had a few wrinkles and heavily resembled the one-

'No. there was no way it was the same one.'

You flipped through the pages reading the messily written rants. 'What the fuck?!!'

You shrugged trying to think of the good side. At least you had some form of basis for the essay.

You decided to call it a day as you checked the clock on your phone '21:49' (9:49pm). It still seemed pretty early. You walked downstairs and prepared a cup of tea/coffee. You looked out the living room window to see that it was raining. After placing the hot drink on the nearest platform or tabel, you got an umbrella, put on your shoes and walked out of the house.

It was drizzling, it was quite the perfect weather to stay inside and let the plants get some water to grow. You questioned why you even decided to go out in the first place. You gave yourself a small slap and decided to go back in.

You got your cup and walked back to your room. You got your laptop and opened an application just to pass time until you got tired.

Minutes of doing whatever had passed by but your boredom still wasn't cured. You closed your laptop and looked out the window. The droplets of rain slid on your window making spots of the outside look blurred.

You looked out the window to see a group of friends just smiling and playing around in the rain. You snickered at the sight, 'how long until they realize that friendships are as fragile as life is?'

You let out a sigh, 'i'm seriously getting tired.'

You decided to seriously just get some rest. You walked to your bed then drifted off to sleep.

You opened your eyes to see yourself in a garden with flowers and trees of all sorts. "Shuí zài nà'er?!"

"Fuck my life"

"Fuck my life"

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Déjà vu- A Hetalia x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now