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-an intentionally false statement


"It? What are you talking about?" You asked.

"Tell me. What is something strange that at least one person told you when you were in the british ship?" he inquired.

"Well everything"

"*sigh* the strangest"

"I guess the time when they called themselves by the country of their nationality and how two people said they were countries" you said.

"Who said that?" he asked, even more interested in the conversation.

"Why would i tell you?" you asked him. He gritted his teeth in annoyance and huffed.

"I'll get some sleep. If you want to know what you'll be facing in this ship, read this" he said giving you a book then got up to leave.

You looked at the book in front of you. You held it and looked at the blank covered book. You opened it and saw words written all over it.

"Hey Gabriel!" You yelled. He turned around. "What?"

"It's all in messy handwritten Spanish that I can't understand. Even if I knew how to read Spanish, it's messy and unlegible.." You said.

"Not my fault that you can't read it" He said and left.

You were about to stop him but he just brushed you off. You were left there alone with the book that was supposedly going to give you everything you needed to know.

"So will it start talking or...?" you said aloud.

You sighed knowing you wont get anything from it. You hid the book inside the cupboard since your bag was still with the captain.

You walked out and to the deck since you had nothing to do. Exploring would probably have you end up in a situation that you wouldn't want to be in.

You arrived at the deck and looked out to see that the ship was no longer connected to the land. That made you puzzled and you looked at the helm to see Antonio stirring it. You walked up to Antonio to see what he was doing, other than the fact he was stirring the ship of course.

"Where are we going?" You inquired, unaware of the fact that the boat was going to leave so soon.

"To the ocean" he hummed. "Oh okay." you replied knowing that he wouldn't give an exact reply you were looking for whether intentionally or not. "Where can i stay since i can't really go back in the land and all for a place to live in, i'd have to swim or use a boat to do so" you said.

"So you don't know how to swim?" he questioned.

"What? No, i mean i would but-" you spluttered making him laugh. "Do not worry, you can stay with Anya." He said and you nodded, leaving him.

Anya is that Mexican girl right? Though where was she? It seemed like Antonio thought you were soe kind of know it all or something. You walked to the cabin once again and to the kitchen to retrieve the book. You walked out of the kitchen to look for where Anya would be. You opened the second farthest door on the right after knocking, and somehow by coincidence, it was her room.

The door revealed her sitting on her chair and had fallen down from the shock of you suddenly entering.

She glared at you from her position and got up. "¡Aguas!" (Translation: "Waters!" but is slang for "be careful!" [correct me if i'm wrong].)

Déjà vu- A Hetalia x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now