612 25 2

嘘 - uso - lie


You walked up the stairs, quickly trying to catch up to them. As you walked a few meters from behind them, Mei's head turned and she looked at you. She fully turned around, making the other girls look at you as well, making you flinch.

"Y/n!" Mei smiled, calling out your name.

"Ah, do you need anything? We were just on our way to check some things" Chun Yan said.

"Not really, i just wanted to apologize about earlier. I just needed time to understand everything. I'm not used to things. That's all" you explained.

"It's alright." Chun Yan smiled.

"You are forgiven. I apologize as well. I snapped a little back there" Asuka bowed.

"It's okay" you said.

"Would you like to come with us?" Mei asked. You nodded. "If that isn't a problem, then yeah"

"We should go outside to the garden instead." Chun Yan suggested, which you all agreed upon. As they were walking towards your direction, in order to go down. Mei's eyes suddenly widened.

"Y/n! You should change into something else!" Mei commented. "She's right. I have a few spare clothes. Let's go to my room" Chun Yan stated.

They lead you to a room similar to yours, however it was filled with even more stuff. She opened a drawer, getting something that looked like cloth and handed it to you.

"We will leave the room, you can open the door once you're ready." Chun Yan stated, as the three walked out.

You unfolded the cloth by lifting it up. It looked like those traditional outfits, like the yukatas from the anime. The garment front was white, the stash and colar were a dark teal color that were embroidered with golden swirls and flowers. The skirt flowed down, it was a lighter shade of teal, similar to mint green but mixed with teal. The bottom of the skirt also had golden flowers embroidered on it.

You put it on, it seemed simple to wear. You looked over at the mirror, trying to fix it to make it look right.

You hesitated, though you ended up opening the door. They looked at you before entering.

"It looks good! Doesn't it, Chun Yan? Asuka?" Mei gushed as the two nodded in response. Mei walked over to another drawer and motioned you to sit down on the cushion.

You did so. She started to fix your hair, placing the hairpin in the front.


You stood up, "thank you for this" you tried thanking them without sounding awkward at all.

"It's called a hanfu. It looks nice, let's go outside now" Chun Yan complimented, you nodded as you walked with them outside.

As she slid the door open, the sun set colored sky was the first thing you saw.

You three proceeded to walk in the garden. It was filled with flowering trees and bushes. It looks so peaceful. "We should get to know each other, since we just met, Y/n." Mei stated out of nowhere as you walked.

"I agree. We can all get to know each other through this" Chun Yan agreed.

You all continued walking in the garden, "where do you come from?" Mei asked. "What's your nationality?"

You paused as a petal from the tree above you fell in front of your face, you started to think of your answer. It was kind of an awkward question to think about. They were countries themselves and...

"I'm (Nationality), and from (home country)" you answered.

Mei hummed from content of your answer. "How did you get here again?" she asked.

"I came here because of vacation" you said.

"Uso" (lie) you suddenly heard.

Yours, Mei's, and Chun Yan's heads turned to the person who had been quiet for a while already.

"Sorry. I was not thinking about my words" Asuka apologized before looking the other way.

"What did you say?" you inquired. "She said lie" Chun Yan answered for her. "Apologies" the other girl repeated.

"No, no, it's alright. Though, why did you say that?" you asked.

"I remember what you said earlier. Your tension with us is also obvious. You can refer to us as countries if you want. There is no need to be afraid about it now that you know" Asuka said as you all walked.

Chun Yan looked at her with wide eyes before relaxing again. "She is right. Though you can do anything that makes you comfortable"

"Aaah, Asuka you're really like Kiku sometimes~" Mei smiled.

"Kiku?" you accidently thought out loud.

"Japan" Chun Yan replied. "Ah" you nodded.

"Who are you guys again?" you asked.

"I'm Taiwan, Chun Yan is Beijing, and Asuka is Edo" Mei answered.


As you were all about to enter the house once again, since the sunset was coming close to an end, the bells of the front door had chimed.

"Qǐng nàixīn děngdài" (請耐心等待; please wait patiently) Chun Yan said before walking away to open the door. You waited with the other two, Chun Yan soon came back with two other people, a woman and a man. Chun Yan had motioned you three to come in as she walked with the other two people.

You all walked inside, Yao was waiting inside already. 'Crap i forgot about him.'

"Aiyah! Y/n where were- where did you get those cloth- ah! Lien, Cheng!" Yao walked over to the other two. The male looked surprised before looking at you and his eyes widened. 'Here we fucking go again...'

"We should have dinner already!~ Asuka, Mei, please call the others. Chun Yan, help me with the table" Yao smiled. You decided to walk over and hep Chun Yan and Yao. after helping with setting and fixing the table, everyone had arrived and sat down the table.

Let the awkward conversations and nervous breakdowns begin. 


a/n: a/n: kind of a early update short filler chapter. i'm heading abroad for school purposes in a few hours. i found co authors who will help me with the story, see you all in the next update!

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