C o N f L i c T

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C o N f L i C T

-an incompatibility between two or more opinions, principles, or interests



Everything was just darkness

"What do you mean a lady knocked him out and you woke up to knock out a lady but it's not the same one you were supposed to?"

"Well, how was I supposed to know it was not the same girl?"

The first voice sounded like he sighed.

"Vamos a esperar a que ella se despierte. Pero ten cuidado . Ella puede ser una amenaza"

(Spanish: What do you mean you got knocked out by a lady and woke up to knock out a lady but it isnt the same one you were supposed to?!")

(Spanish: Well how was I supposed to know that it wasn't the same lady?!")

(Spanish: Let's just wait for her to wake up. If she is from Arthur then she may be either a country or part of his crew")

You slowly blinked your eyes open and tried to get up. But as you were in the position where you were about to stand, a sword was pointed directly at your face.

"What the heck is with people and pointing their swords at my face after knocking me out?!?!" You yelled in annoyance, surely if it were a dream, it would end soon.

"diga quem você é, nação fraca"

(say who you are, weak nation,)


"No speak espanol?" the first guy asked.

You nodded slowly and hesitantly as the man chuckled lightly and walked over to where you were. He lowered the hand of the other man and said something inaudible.

"I'm sorry about mi friend, miss.....?" he trailed off, possibly asking for your name. You stayed silent for a while.

"Ah. Don't speak englsih also? What language do you speak?" He asked. "I speak English dumbass." You snapped back at his obliviousness.

"So, your name?" He asked again.

"Why would I tell some random douche my name" You asked.


"Yeah. You're the one who knocked me out." You replied remembering a glimpse of brown and green.

"Que? Ahaha! You must have thought of Gabriel" he laughed.

'He seriously thinks I already know them does he...?'

"Yeah. So you knocked me out" you stated.

"I just said that Gabri- oh wait! I'm sorry, let me introduce ourselves." He paused and walked over to the other man and slung an arm around him. "Mi name is Antonio Fernandez Carriedo" he smiled.

'Hot name tbh'

"And this is mi hermano, Gabriel Carriedo" he said.

"Tch. Por que você diz nossos nomes se ela se recusa a dizer o nome dela? (Why did you tell our names if she refuses to tell hers?)" Gabriel brushed Antonio off.

"I didn't understand what you said" you said.

"I wasn't talking to you and you arent supposed to" Gabriel said and walked away.

Antonio sighed shaking his head while chuckling. "Sorry about him. He's just tired." He said.

"Everyone is. Anyways, where am I?" You asked finally getting to stand up.

"Las Islas filipinas" Antonio said.


"So what's your name?" He asked again.

You huffed and walked around as he followed you. "What's with you and knowing my name?" You asked. "Cause I told you mine" he grinned.

"What is this? A trade center?" You asked snorting.

"Si." He replied

"What the heck?"

"Settle down for a while, I'll talk to you again later. Remember if you need anything, ask me" He said and walked to a door in the ship.

You were left in the middle of a ship with people hustling and bustling around. You had a look of confusion then just brushed it off looking for the exit. You walked to the ramp and saw the harbor.

It wasn't like the one back in England, it was slightly less developed but still had stands. People were walking around and buying things from stalls and stands nearby.

You were going to walk over and ask someone for directions until you heard the person suddenly speak another language.

"I guess I should go back to him since he's practically the only one who can speak English..." you said and made your way back to the ship.

You suddenly bumped into a man but not too hard to make you fall. "Sorry" You said and tried to walk away but the boy grabbed her wrist.

"Oy, saan ka pupunta?" he said in a demanding tone.

"Huh? Only english." you said.

"Where are you going?" he asked again.

"To antonio frenandez care-something" you said forgetting the name of the guy already.

"Huh why woul-" he looked confused then was cut off by Antonio coming from behind you and putting his arm around your shoulder. "Ah, you're already talking to other people." Antonio smiled. It's like he is endless with smiling, doesn't his cheeks hurt or something?

"Ah, Magandang hapon po heneral (Filipino: Good afternoon general)." The man saluted. "I've checked on the town and they've paid the taxes." the man said giving a sack of something to Antonio. "Muy bueno! (Y/n) meet Juan Dela Cruz, Juan meet (Y/n)" Antonio introduced. "She'll be part of the crew" he added.

"Anong sinabi mo? (Filipino: what did you say?)" Juan asked.

"What did you say?" you looked at Antonio and got his arm off you.

"Now that that's settled... Juan, scout the area for anyone not doing their job" Antonio ordered.

"Susmaryosep..." Juan grumbled and walked away.

You were left with Antonio in the deck. "May i ask you something?" you asked with a hint of irritation in your voice. "Sure." he replied. "Okay one, why am i part of your crew?"

"Well you have no other place to go since there isn't anyone or anywhere you know, no?"

You gritted your teeth at his reply knowing it's true.

"So two, why and how do you know my name?"

Déjà vu- A Hetalia x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now