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forced out of its natural or proper shape; crumpled.


"I still can't believe you can tell the future!" He grinned making you fake a grin and let out a nervous chuckle.

"Yeah..." you mumbled smiling.

"So how do you do it?" Alfred asked. You stared at him silently, Hoping he would just go away. "Like, how did you come here?"

"Weren't we all just drink last night?" You asked. "

Well you don't drink" He said. "Euhm, yeah.. I meant I just said that so I could get away from Allistor and everyone who was trying to say I was not part of the crew" you tried to 'explain' yourself'.

"But that's not what you wrote in your Journal" He said.

"My what?"

"Oi! L/n!" You heard a voice coming from above. You and Alfred looked up to see Seamus with his hands on the nest's rail and looking down on the two of you, mainly you. "Can ya get Liam up 'ere for me? It's getting boring!" He whined.

"You? Bored?" You raised a brow.

"Hey! It's all just work work work work WORK. Plus who wouldn't get bored here" Seamus yelled back.

"I know right! Maybe Y/n is just finding this experience new and like an adventure" Alfred laughed.

"I can hear you Al....."

"Oh I said that out loud?"



You were in the kitchen writing on your journal of events you were keeping about to prepare dinner.

'I'm in the kitchen since it was Arthur's turn to cook today which was surprising since he was often bossy and posh but when I asked him about that he answered it had to be equal in the ship. I didn't know pirates were communists. Anyways, last time I ate his cooking.... let's say I got seasick for the first time in the ship.
Plus he seems kinda hung over from last night and it's already evening.'

You finished writing closing your notebook a and standing up to open the cupboard and cabinets to check what was in stock.

"We're running out of food and supplies... I swear why do they have to eat like kings and spoilt brats for dinner?" You mumbled getting whatever you could find and placing them on the table. You looked at the ingredients and saw nothing but a batch of vegetables and animal bones.

"Bone broth soup* it is" You bit the inner part of your cheek and started to cook. "Least I'm learning."

After a few minutes the soup was already boiling and the kitchen door opened. You stirred the soup not yet looking at who was there.

"Ey, Y/n" a voice said. You turned around to see Allistor. "When's dinner gonna be ready?" He asked.
"In a while." You said and didn't mind him, still slightly awkward about last night.

"Aye." He said and left the room.

In about 10 minutes you had finished cooking the soup and had given the bowls to everyone and were on the way to Arthur to give him his share.

Déjà vu- A Hetalia x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now