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special thanks to co-author:  

天 - ama - sky

"Y/n, can you pass the wonton?~" Yong Soo asked. You looked up from your plate from the call of your name and stared at him, then back at the table.

Your eyes darted around as you looked at the several Dimsum in front of you. You figured it was the one closest to you so you picked it up and passed it to him. "Gomabseubnida (thank you)" he hummed then proceeded to put some on his plate.

'So far so good...' you thought. The awkward conversations you were praying would not happen hadn't arisen yet. It was just normal eati-

"So, Lien, Cheng, why are you here?" Yao asked.

The man with glasses, short dark brown hair with long bangs combed over to the side, and golden eyes spoke up. "Wèishéme nǐ shuō yīngyǔ? (Why are you speaking english?;為什麼你說英語?)" he spoke, his tone had confusion.

The girl with long dark brown hair that was tied in a ponytail put her chopsticks down on her bowl. "Yīnwèi tā (Because of her;因為她)" she firmly said. All eyes had suddenly turned to you. You had just taken another bite of the food on your plate, it didn't take you long before realizing that practically everyone was looking at you. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion and slight anxiousness, as you thought it was something wrong you had done in the terms of dining etiquette due to the different culture.

Yao shot the woman a small glare. "Bùyào cūlǔ (Don't be rude;不要粗魯)" he hissed and continued eating.

Everyone resumed eating, when Yao seemed like he was going to speak again, probably because he was interrupted last time, Jia Long had raised his hand. Yao took notice and let out a sigh of frustration, hoping that the interruption would be the last. "Yes, Jia Long?"

"Tā zhīdào (She knows; 她知道)" Jia Long flatly stated before taking another bite.

"Shénme (What?;什麼?)" Yao inquired, unsure about what Jia Long had said. Jia Long didn't answer after that and continued stoically eating and avoiding Yao's question. "Tā gàosù tā (he told her; 他告訴她)" Yong Soo cut in.

Before Yao could even react, Lien stood up, pointing her chopsticks towards Yao. "Tā shì gèrén! Wèishéme tā shènzhì huì zài zhèlǐ? Tāmen shuō tā zhīdào ma?! (She's a human! Why would she even be here? And they are saying she knows?!)" Lien yelled.

Yao slammed his palm on the table, causing everyone to stop what they were doing. A shiver went down your spine, as the former easy going and calm air had suddenly turned tense. "Zuò xià Dai Viet. Nǐ méiyǒu quánlì fǎnduì wǒ, yóuqí shì zài zhè suǒ fángzi lǐ. (Sit down Dai Viet. You have no right to stand up against me, especially in this house.)" Yao sternly said. You barely understood but the way that Lien had immediately and slowly sat down made it obvious he seemed to have scolded her. Yao seemed so nice, however he suddenly snapped.

Chun Yan put her hands together and cleared her throat. "Everyone seems to be done eating. Lien, Cheng, you can both head to your guest rooms here. Mei and Asuka can help me with the dishes. Let's all just retire and call it a night" She said. Some people excused themselves, the first one who walked away being Lien.

"Excuse me" you tried to say without seeming afraid, as you stood up and left.

---After Dinner---

Déjà vu- A Hetalia x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now