
644 32 7

運命 - unmei - destiny;fate


The person who had fallen on top of you. His eyebrows were scrunched together, his eyes shut tightly, as he had a bitter expression. He let put a wince and tumbled beside you.

You held back a reaction, despite the pain that had come to you after you fell down to the ground. You and the boy got up together, he faced you first, giving a weird face. He had short brown hair with a curl on the side, in which you wondered how that even was possible, and brown eyes.

"Neo nugu ni?" (너 누구 니?; who are you?) he asked.

'And another one.'

"No- uh,,, sorry" you didn't even bother to start a conversation.

You decided to just try to make your existence unknown to him. It's better to have 5 strangers than 6 be wary of you and you war of them.

You finally made your way in your room and tossed yourself on the bed. You buried your face on top of one of the pillows and let out a groan. 'What did i do to deserve this? Actually, nevermind.'

After a few minutes of you just trying to process what was going on and relax, you heard a knock on the wooden border of the shoji paper window. You turned to the side of the room where the window was. You couldn't see who it was unlike glass windows, however you could still see a shadow of a person sitting on the small platform on the window like thing. You furrowed your eyebrows and got up.

'If countries and capital people exist, assassins can too. Oh wait.'

You shook your head, your thoughts seemed to have gotten even more jumbled and messed up ever since these dreams had started. You got back to the fact that someone was on the other side of your window. Another set of knocks on your window came again.

You looked around the room to see any kind or form of weapon for defense, just in case. You saw a random stick laying right against the wall. You picked it up, holding it with one hand as you slowly made your way to it, sliding the window open. It revealed the same guy you bumped to earlier. That just made a complete 180 to what you were hoping for.

"Annyeonghaseyo!!" (안녕하세요!; Hello!) he smiled.

"Who are you?" you asked, having a completely 'im-tired-let's-just-get-this-over-with' kind of tone.

He gave you a puzzled expression and then his eyes widened.

'He finally figured it out.'

"I'm Yong Soo! Nice to meet you! Who are you?" he asked with a completely cheery tone, he jumped into your room making you drop your stick and back up.

'Is he being serious now?'

"My Name is Y/n" you stated.

"Where did you come from?" he asked, a strange glint on his eyes that showed curiosity.

"Somewhere not here"

"Why are you here?"

"Because i was told to be here....?" you replied.

Before he could ask any other question, a knock was heard.

"Come in" you said, loud enough for the person outside to hear. The door slid open to reveal Jia Long. Jia Long also seemed he was going to say something, however he spotted the other male in your room, making him look at the both of you weirdly.

"Yong Soo?" He said questionably.

The other male beamed and made his way to Jia Long and placed his arm around his shoulders "ahh~, Jia Long, geunyeoga nugu-inji asibnikka? (그녀가 누구인지 아십니까?; Do you know who she is?)" Yong Soo asked.

"We were trying to look for you to tell you" Jia Long sighed, only making Yong Soo grin more. "It must be fate"

Jia Long sighed once again before turning to you. "Yao and I have come back, if you need anything, you could talk to any of us, we can all understand you." he said.

"Several people have already said that" you muttered, hoping they wouldn't hear.

"If many people have said it then it is the truth" Yong Soo said.

"I've been wondering for a while now and nobody has given a straight answer. Are you guys countries?"

Both their eyes widened. Jia Long shook his head and let out a breath. He then looked at you sternly.

"I am not sure on how you got that idea but, yes." he answered. Yong Soo immediately let go of him and looked directly at him. "neo mwohago issni?! geunyeoneun nugu-inga? geunyeoneun ingan-i aniya?" (What are you doing?! Who is she? Is not she human? ; 너 뭐하고 있니?! 그녀는 누구인가? 그녀는 인간이 아니야?)

"Yong Soo, not now" Jia Long said, making Yong Soo stare at him in even more confusion. You merely stared at the two in just as much confusion Yong Soo had.

"It doesn't make sense. I know i'm the one who asked but how are you guys countries?"

"Personifications. We are in the form of humans but are like representations of countries, expect we really are" he explained.

"How can you understand each other if you're all speaking different languages

"We just can" he sighed.

"Then why did Asuka mention capitals and that what is it?" you continued throwing your questions at him.

"Capitals of countries also have personifications, at least most do."

"So-" before you could ask another question, he stopped you.

"I understand you have a lot more questions but know that us being personifications is not something that is to be shared so easily with the public. There are things that happened to us and our countries, those things being reasons to why we are not keen on letting people know about us being countries. Yao will explain the situation more to you later" Jia Long said, walking out of your room with Yong Soo.

"What the hell was that just now...?" you muttered.

You were still partly confused but managed to understand what he said. The time you were in was probably before the time with Antonio and Arthur. However why was she there? You tried thinking more about it. 'He did say they were still human i guess. They have feelings too. Obviously...'

You groaned and got your phone out. It was only around 46 percent, and you doubted there was any charging area. You decided to put your phone on the drawer or the desk and go out.

You managed to finally get a gist of where you were going and make your way to the living room area. You ended up seeing Yao trying to talk to Kiku, who you remembered from earlier. They both seemed to notice you, making Yao call out to you.

Kiku just walked past you. You felt a strange aura around him. He was closed off yet something about him felt alluring. You turned back to Yao who seemed to be calling your name for a while already.


"Sorry." you said.

"I can explain some things to you now. Let's have some tea" he smiled gently. Before you could respond, You saw the three girls walking up the stairs.

"Sure, however later. i'll go check on some people" you said, running after the three.

"Aiyah! where do you think you're going?!" 


Déjà vu- A Hetalia x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now