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- a person that you have met but do not know well; not a friend nor foe, nor a stranger or a comrade

"And the crown!" Juan said as you stroke your eskrima stick forward as he blocked it. There was silence as the two of you panted and stayed in the same position as you were lunged forward with your weapon hitting his which was in a horizontal position above his head to defend it.

The two of you cracked into a smile and let your weapons fall to the floor as your hands high fived with your hands clasped together in the air.

"You're getting better at this!" he complimented.

"I am! Or maybe you're just getting sloppy." you teased as the two of you went to the side of the room to the table to drink water.

"Really? We've been training for 2 weeks now and it's not just you who is getting some training but me as well. " he said making you shrug.

"Eh true."

"anyways. thanks for training with me, im kinda beat right now" you said.

"beat?" you heard another voice from across the room.

"it's slang fo- hey! Assface! its you! when did you get here?" you flashed a smile making him scowl.

"just now. i was going to talk to you but ill do it in a better time. he said leaving. 

"H-hey wait! Gabriel!" you said walking to him with your hand tugging on the back of his shirt. "Can i talk to you? Privately... it's important." you asked him as you let go of his shirt. He turned around to face you and he hesitantly nodded.

You walked out of the room with him and to his room. "What do you want?" he asked.

You got the book he gave you on your first day. "Can you explain me what this is? Anya's explanation was too broad and she won't tell me details about it." you said.

"Anya? You chose to ask her?" he raised a brow. You shrugged wondering why you asked her, especially knowing that she isn't really the type of person to talk.

He sighed. "mulher estúpida (stupid woman)" he muttered.

"If i'm going to explain that then i better get some information in return" he said sitting down.

"Wait why do i need to tell you some things in return? You're the one who's practically telling me to read it because i need it or something" you retorted.

"What are you? A slave? You could do it on your own will." he replied.

"Well that's what you are to Antonio by what i've heard from you all" you said. "Why do you want information anyways?" you asked.

"You seem suspicious"

"And you don't?"

"Do you want to know about what the book says or not?" he asked.

You wanted to decline at the same time curiosity pulled you. You wanted to know what the book they kept on talking about said and all the things they said would open your eyes. You wanted to know why they despised antonio so much and all about that country personification crap they kept talking about. At the same time, you'd be really dumb to spill things to some stuck up bstard.

'But it is a dream right?, why do i hesitate so much. I keep treating this as if it were real. Just live y/n. Just live.' you thought to yourself.

"Okay." you agreed.

"You answer my questions first." he stated. "What? Why is it my part of the deal that goes first?" you questioned. "Because you might go out of this room if you go last" he said.

Déjà vu- A Hetalia x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now