Chapter 5

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Yume's POV
Today all the first years were told further about the CD debut, it didn't seem hard we just had to complete challenges and people who don't complete them are out of the competition. Seemed pretty fair.
A week later the challenge began and for the past week Anna-sensei was training us with intensive training.
We were all stretching making ourselves ready for today when a guy appeared out of nowhere.
"Are all of you girls ready for the CD debut challenges?" He said.
We all answered "YES!" With excitement.
~After the competition.
"The only 2 that remained are you Nijino Yume and Sakuraba Laura, are you ready for the final task?" The producer asked.
"Yes." Laura and I answered.
"The final task is a challenge between you two. Each one of you will put on a live show and the one who does a better live show gets her first CD debut." The producer said.
Laura and I were glad that it wasn't something new but we knew we had to give it our all this time.

-remember in this story Yume doesn't have that special power-
I couldn't believe when the producer said that I got the CD debut. I was super happy because now I am one step closer to beating my big brother and having a better chance of entering the S4.
I looked at Laura,
"Yume you might have won this time but I will become better and beat you next time." She said.
"Sure bring it on, but I'll become better so no one can beat me, but if you want to beat me do it before the S4 selection, remember you said that you will be moving to the wind dance class next year." I said.
~in the afternoon.
Author's POV
"Hey Laura I'm going for a run, wanna join me?" Yume asked
"Ya sure just wait a second for me to change." Laura said as she grabbed her running suit and went to the bathroom to change.
After they ran for a while Laura took a rest while Yume continued to run.
"Hey Yume aren't you gonna take a rest? Aren't you pushing yourself a bit too much?" Laura asked concerned.
"No... don't worry." Yume said panting.
"Yume you are pushing yourself more than usual." Laura said getting up walking up towards Yume.
"No don't worry... plus I'll do anything.. just so that I can beat.. that person." Yume panted as she put her hand on a tree trunk for support of balance.
"Yume take this water and drink it." Laura said giving Yume a water bottle.
"Thank you Laur-." Yume was cut off with her falling to the ground and blacking out.
"YUME! YUME!  YUME ANSWER ME!" Laura screamed as someone heard her and rushed to where the screening is coming from.
"Hey Sakuraba-San what's wrong?" A certain brown haired idol approached her.
"Subaru- senpai!" Laura turned her head.
"Can you help me carry Yume to the infirmary!" Laura asked.
"Ya sure, but what happened to her." He said as he picked her bridal style.
"Well you see she kind of did push herself more than usual." Laura said.
"What an idiot." Subaru said.
Subaru's POV
What an idiot I repeated in my head as I looked
and noticed that she is pretty cute when her sweaty bangs scattered on her cute face.
I shook my head 'what am I thinking' I yelled in my head.
When we reached to the infirmary the nurse told me to lay her down on the bed and she checked her and said that she hasn't been eating properly and was pushing herself too much during her training but there is nothing to worry about.
I was glad. So I said good bye and went to my dorm in the M4 building hoping she'll be alright.
When I reached I saw all my other friends looking at me curiously.
"What?" I asked clueless.
"Where were you?" Asahi asked sticking his face to mine.
"Calm down, I was taking Nijino- San to the infirmary." I said.
As I saw smirks grow on Asahi and Nozume's faces.
"I knew it! Subayume will happen!" Asahi jumped in his place.
"Suba- what?" I asked curiously.
"It's the ship name for you and Yume-Chan." Asahi said
"I'm sorry, but her and I dating. NEVER. Plus I don't have time for romance." I started clearly, when I think my eyes failed me but I think I saw Kanata make a relieved and worried face.
"Anyways why were you taking her to the infirmary?" Kanata asked curiously.
"Oh well, I heard Sakuraba-San shouting and went to her and saw Nijino-San lying on the floor and when I took her to the infirmary the nurse said that she fainted because she wasn't eating properly and was pushing herself during the training." I said as I saw Kanata have an uneasy look on his face.
"But she said that resting will help her," I continued.
Then about ten minuets later Kanata said he had to do some business and went outside.
Kanata's POV
'Yume you're such an idiot. Pushing yourself that much just so you can beat me you're one little sister to be proud of but at the same time disappointed of.' I thought to myself as my feet took me to the girls' part of the school and to the infirmary.
I went inside to find my little sister looking at the stars, seems like she woke up.
When I opened the door it made a low noise but still made her head turn to me.
"Oh hey Kanata-senpai." She said.
"No need to call me that no one is with me right now." I said as I went and sat down at the chair next to her bed.
"Oh, ok oni-San what brings you here?" She asked.
"Seriously when a brother hears something happened to their sister they come to check how she is and sometimes in situations similar to this they also give her a lecture." I said as I adjusted my glasses.
"Sorry if I got you worried." She said scratching the back of her neck.
"It's okay but, what the hell were you thinking?"I asked raising a brow.
"You could have gotten yourself into a worse situation. Not eating properly, pushing yourself so much. And by the way if you want to beat me you'll have to do it with a good health. Because an idol has to make sure she stays healthy." I said trying not to scream.
"I really am sorry, but after I won the CD debut I felt that I took another step to surpassing you and felt that amazing flow of power inside of me." She said like she was about to cry.
"Really you got a CD debut, that's amazing! But still doesn't mean that every time you win something you have to push yourself more, you have to know your limits sis. Okay?" I said as I moved my finger to wipe the tear that was about to drop from her eye.
"Ya, and sorry for worrying you. I'll try my best not to push myself again." She said as she put a smile on her face.
"Good, well goodnight sis. Make sure to eat tomorrow got it." I eyed her with a questioning look.
"Ok. Goodnight ." She said.
I gave her a quick kiss on the forehead and closed the infirmary door behind me.
I went back to the dorm and entered. Then Asahi asked me,
"Did you finish your business Kanata?" He asked.
"Ya." I said keeping my cool personality on.
Subaru's POV
Everyone said goodnight and went to their rooms.
But I followed Kanata to his room and asked him a direct question
"You went to visit Yume-Chan didn't you?"
"What? No." He denied.
"Don't say you didn't. I saw how you looked when I said that she fainted." I said trying to get the truth out of him.
"So what if I did go to see her." He said.
"So you did go to see her?" I asked again.
"I did okay, but don't tell anyone please. Okay?"He asked.
"Ya sure but answer this question honestly, are you guys in a relationship?" I asked hoping he would say no, but why would I care if they were in a relationship it's not like I'll do anything right? I questioned myself hoping to find an answer but didn't until he said the answer I wanted to hear.
"No Yume and I aren't in a relationship." He stated clearly.
As I was about to walk away I heard the question I asked myself.
"Why do you care?" He asked.
I tried avoiding the question by saying
"Nothing just curious, anyways good night." I said as I headed to my room asking my self
'Is it just curiosity or something else?'

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