Chapter 20

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The boys sat on a bench waiting for the girls because that is what Kanata told them.
Soon 4 figures walked towards them.
"Hey Yume." Kanata said.
"Hello oni-san." Yume replied.
Mahiru, Laura, Ako, Nozume, Asahi and Subaru said at the same time.

Author's POV
"Y-ya." Yume said nervously.
"Y-you two." Ako stuttered. Kanata and Yume just nodded.
"But you don't even have the same last name." Laura said still shocked.
"Ya, about that... remember that adoption certificate you found that night... well I asked a family to adopt me, so nothing would be suspicious when we attend the same school. Also because both of us wanted to be idols when we grew up, and since he's older than me he got that chance before me, and I wanted to reach that goal alone without the help of his popularity, that's why I asked that family to adopt me." Yume explained and everyone nodded as a sign of understanding as she finished and all the shocked faces started to disappear.
"The time the public got a hold of that picture of us together and said we were 'dating' we were just having a siblings bonding day. And those other times we actually just met by accident." Kanata said.
"Ohhhhh.." the others said.
"Now any unanswered questions Subaru." Kanata asked.
"No, but just one question... you don't mind me dating your sister do you Kanata?" Subaru asked getting closer to Yume and putting an arm around her shoulders.
"Of course not... as long as you don't hurt her, because you know how us overprotective brothers are right?" Kanata said with a small dark aura forming around him.
"Yes I do. Now if you don't mind please excuse us." Subaru said.
"Sure thing lovebirds." Nozume teased that made Yume turn bright red.
The 2 lovers walked away from the group holding hands towards the place where they somehow always end up in.
"Ya us too." Kanata said grabbing Ako's wrist and dragging her away.
"Why do I feel like we're always being left out?" Mahiru asked.
"I need to get a boyfriend." Laura remarked.
"Well I would love to be him." Nozume flirted.
"Sure thing pretty boy." Laura said sarcastically as she walked away back to the dorms.
After Laura said that you could see the hint of sadness on Nozume's face.. wonder why?
~with kanako~
"So why didn't you tell me about the whole sibling thing~nya?" Ako said getting her cat claws ready.
"Because I respected what Yume wanted and didn't tell anyone... I'm sorry I really wanted to tell you, but I couldn't break a promise." Kanata replied.
"Well I'll forgive you if you take me to eat ice cream right now." Ako said.
"Sure thing my lovely kitty." Kanata said patting Ako's head.
"Don't do that, you'll ruin my hair." Ako said trying to get his hands off of her hair.
"But you'll look amazing anyways." Kanata said.
"Thanks.. and question. How many lessons did you take on flirting with Nozume?" Ako asked.
"None." Kanata said with a straight face.
"Like I'm believing you." Ako said.
"Why yo-?" Kanata was cut off but still a tick mark on his face.
"Come on... I want ice cream." Ako said dragging Kanata towards the school gates. Soon that mark went away and he was having fun with his girlfriend.
~with subayume~
"This is the place I always seem to meet up with you. Strange isn't it? It's like fate wants us to be together." Yume said.
"True." Was the only answer Subaru could say.
"I'm sorry." Yume apologized.
"W-why?" Subaru asked confused.
"Because I should have told you from when you asked me out. I should have trusted you... but I didn't. Sorry." Yume said looking at the full moon in the dark night sky.
"It's okay." Subaru said giving Yume a side hug.
"I love you Subaru." Yume said.
"I love you too tomato." Subaru replied.
"Hey, why do you have to ruin the moment?" Yume asked a bit annoyed.
"Sorry, I love you too Yume." Subaru said as he leaned in to kiss her lips.
"But now promise me something." Subaru said after a minute of kissing.
"Ya?" Yume asked facing her boyfriend.
"You won't be keeping anymore secrets from me." Subaru said.
"I promise Mr.Boyfriend." Yume said.
"That's good to hear girlfriend." Subaru said.
They spent a couple more hours talking to each other and Subaru couldn't go that night without teasing Yume.
When the clock hit 9:30 they said goodbye to each other and went to their rooms to get a goodnight sleep thinking about each other...
True love does exist.....

————————————————————————————————————————————Sorry for another late update... but school just started and ya.
I'll try to update more quickly...
And thanks for those who are reading my story. I hope you can be patient for the updates...

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