Chapter 29

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~2 months time skip~
Author's POV
"Bye!!!" Yume said running out of the house.
"See you soon honey." The mother said.
"See you soon mom." Yume said.
"Hey Yume wait up." Kanata said running behind his sister.
It's been 2 months since the sleepover and everyone hasn't seen each other since then.
Yume was so excited to reunite with all her friends. Unfortunately all of M4 and S4 will graduate today and Yume will become the new head for the song class.
"It's not my fault you're lazy and might miss your graduation." Yume shouted since she was miles ahead of Kanata.

The Kira siblings kept running until they reached the big gates of their school. They continued running until they reached the doors of the hall.
They rushed through the doors and saw their friends standing in a circle on the stage discussing.
"Hey guys." Yume's voice rang through the huge empty hall.
"Yume! I thought you weren't gonna make it." Laura said getting off the stage and running to hug her friend she hadn't seen for so long.

"Ya we could've made it here quickly if Yume wasn't so excited to see you guys, especially you Subaru. You better be grateful because of you I had to run all the way to school." Kanata said.
"Aww. That's so sweet!" Subaru said getting off the stage and walking to his girlfriend to kiss her on her lips.
"What about me? Weren't you excited to see me?" Ako asked.
"N-no, I was super excited but you know me, I only run during training and when I'm running late." Kanata stuttered, probably because he doesn't want Ako to know he 'somehow' forgot about her.
"Anyways, guys let's get everything ready." Mahiru said.

~time skip until they got everything ready~
"Ok Yume I'll see you after graduation." Subaru said.
"I-I still c-can't b-believe you're graduating." Yume said tearing up.
"Aww, come on you'll still be able to see me.. I'll just be in the high school section of the academy." Subaru said wiping Yume's tears with his thumb.
"S-still who will be the one who will bother me.. tease me?" Yume asked.
"So you do like it when I tease you? Right tomato?" Subaru asked smirking from ear to ear.
"N-no I-I don't." Yume said.
"Are you sure~"Subaru asked leaning in.
"Y-yes." Yume said in a whisper.
Subaru quickly closed the gap between them, when he pulled away he smiled in satisfaction and licked his lips.
"PERVERT!" Yume yelled turning around ready to leave but Subaru stopped her by grabbing her wrist.
"Wait.. you know that was a kiss to say congratulations.. if we didn't meet up until after the S4 crowning." Subaru said.
"Thanks but that won't change the fact that you're such a pervert. See you later Subaru." Yume said running away.

~another time skip...~
The new S4 put each had two fingers

~The new S4 put each had two fingers

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"We are stars" Yume said.
"The Four Stars that light up the Aikatsu world." Ako continued.
"Tirelessly serving as shining beacons in the sky." Yuzu continued after Ako.
"The radiance of S4 is..." Mahiru finished..
"Eternal!!!" The four of them shouted.
And with that they became the new S4.

After the photoshoot was done the new S4 members headed out to see if they can find their friends.
Luckily their friends along with M4 were in a circle waiting for them.
"Congrats Mahiru.. oh I'm soo proud of you!" Asahi said squeezing his sister into a crushing hug.
"Can't.... br.." Mahiru tried saying.
"Oh s-sorry." Asahi said letting his sister go.
"Congratulations Mahiru." Kaito said putting a hand around her shoulder and kissing her cheek which made her blush slightly.
"Congrats Yume." Subaru said coming closer to her when she put a hand in front of her telling him to not come any closer.
"Not a single step you pervert." Yume said.
"Yume are you still mad for what he did a couple months ago at our sleepover?" Kanata asked causing Yume and Subaru to blush because of the memory they remembered.
"N-no.. he did something today that's all." Yume said.
"Aww, you're still mad about that tomato?" Subaru asked his face still showing signs of him blushing.
"You're no one to talk, you were blushing as much as me seconds ago." Yume said still flushed red, probably because the memory of 2 months ago can't leave her mind.
Yume didn't pay attention as Subaru placed his hands on her cheeks leaning in and kissing her gently on the lips.
"Congratulations to you kitty." Kanata said moving towards Ako but unexpectedly was attacked by sharp things scratching his face.
"Ow.. why did you do that for?" Kanata said wincing from the pain every time he finds a new scratch.
"I don't know.. just felt like it. Plus I haven't done that in a long time." Ako said.
"You're so dead.." Kanata said dark aura growing around him because of his girlfriend's actions.
"I really wanted to congratulate my girlfriend just as they are doing." Nozume said.
"Hey don't worry, next year I'll be the dance class's representative. Then you can do as they are doing." Laura said.

Later that day everyone went out together to celebrate the boy's graduation and the girls' achievement for getting into S4.
I'm SUPER sorry for this late update..
I'll be updating again soon..

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