Chapter 26

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~at the Kira siblings' house~
The night everyone arrived they just watched a movie and ate pizza. They were too lazy to get to bed so they just slept where they were sitting watching the movie.

~The next morning~
Everyone was sleeping except the dirty blonde girl, that planned to surprise everyone by waking them up in a special way.
When she found what she was looking for she went back to the room everyone was sleeping in, but noticed that there was one person missing.
She soon felt a pair of hands block her view, and that surprised her which made her blow the horn she had in her hand which woke everyone up in a matter of seconds and made the person covering her eyes flinch.
"Mahiru!!!!" Yume shouted angrily.
"What it's not my fault, Kaito covered my eyes." Mahiru said.
"Don't deny it. You were gonna blow the horn and wake up everyone up even if I didn't surprise you." Kaito said.
"W-what n-no." Mahiru said nervously.
"Then why do you have the horn in your hands?" Kaito asked crossing his arms.
"Okay fine so what?" Mahiru asked.
"I still needed some beauty sleep." Laura and Ako said at the same time.
"True. They need it. Especially Ako." Kanata said.
"W-why you?!" Ako said getting her cat claws ready to scratch Kanata's face, and when she did attempt to do so he kept dodging her.
"Awww, come on princess you're beautiful just the way you are." Nozume said.
"Thanks." Laura said.
"Why? Why can't you be more like Nozume?" Ako asked.
"Because teasing you is fun." Kanata said a smirk glued to his face.
"I hate you!!!" Ako said.
"I love you too kitty." Kanata said.

"Can we EAT? Please." Yume said.
"Okay. I'm cooking." Subaru said.
"Sure, but give us time to get the fire extinguishers ready." Yume said.
"I won't set the house on fire." Subaru said.
"We'll see." Yume said.

~when Subaru was done cooking~
"Wow, you actually didn't burn the house." Yume said sarcastically.
"Ya, ya... I'll see your face when you eat what I cooked for you." Subaru said placing both his hands on his hips.
"Pancakes." Yume cheered.
"Yup." Subaru said as Yume took the first bite.
"Yummm~" Yume said and a smirk grew on Subaru's face. When Yume looked at him she blushed from embarrassment.
"W-what." Yume asked.
"Nothing." Subaru said turning around getting the plates ready for the others.

~after the breakfast~
"So what do you wanna do?" Laura asked.
"I don't know." Ako said shrugging.
"How about the mall." Mahiru suggested her eyes glittering.
"I don't mind." Yume said.
"Then let's go to the mall." Mahiru said cheerfully.
Then everyone rushed or get ready. Of course the girls took a lot of time to get ready, but they were finally done.
The second they entered the mall the girls ran to different stores in different directions and ever guy ended up following one of them.
After 4 hours of shopping each guy was carrying at least 6 bags, then Yume became hungry and wanted to eat.
"Hey guys excuse me I need to use the washroom." Koharu said, and when she was out of sight Yume spoke, "Okay spill it, when are you gonna ask her out?"
"W-what?" Asahi said nervously.
"Oh don't play dumb with me, I know you like her and she likes you, so just ask her out already." Yume said.
"B- but what if she says no?" Asahi asked.
"She never will trust me." Yume said.
"W-we'll I might as well ask her today." Asahi said.
"If you don't you're dead. I don't want her to be single anymore." Yume said.
"Okay." Asahi said.
After they were done eating they went back home and decided to play a game after everyone changed into their pjs.
"Oh, why don't we play truth or dare." Laura suggested.
"Ya please." Yume begged.
They sat in a circle and then started playing.
"I wanna start." Mahiru said.
"Hmm... Laura truth or dare." Mahiru asked.
"Truth." Laura said and a smirk grew on Mahiru's face.
"Who did you like before you started liking Nozume?" Mahiru asked.
"S-Someone." Laura answered.
"Oh I can answer that... wasn't it that guy back in 4th grade. You used to like him ALOT." Kaito said.
"H-hey I thought that was our secret." Laura said.
"Well now it's not." Mahiru answered.
"Do you still like him?" Nozume asked.
"No." Laura said shaking her her.
"Ok my turn, Yume truth or dare." Laura asked.
"Dare." Yume said confidently.
"Good. Go sit in front of Subaru and look at him with less than a centimeter between you two, but DON'T kiss.. do that for 2 minutes." Laura said
"Okay." Yume said and went and sat in front of Subaru and started leaning in.
"More.. more... stop." Laura said helping Yume get into a good position where her nose touched Subaru's.
"Okay this is gonna be hard." Subaru said as he looked straight into Yume's eyes.

~After 2 minuets~
"Ok times up." Laura said.
"Final-." Yume was cut off with Subaru's lips on hers.
"Well that was hard to wait for." Subaru said taking his lips off of hers leaving Yume blushing madly.
"O-okay, Asahi truth or dare." Yume asked.
"Dare." Asahi said sounding unsure of his answers.
"Well this is gonna be fun. Come here." Yume said.
"Oh no." Asahi said nervously.
"So I want you to ask Koharu out right here right now." Yume whispered in his ear.
"What?" Asahi screamed and Yume pulled him closer so she can whisper something again.
"You said you will ask her out today so go on." Yume whispered.
"F-fine." Asahi said.
"Umm Koharu, I have something to tell you." Asahi said.
"Okay." She said clueless.
"I-i... w-will... me.. out.. you.." Asahi said nervously.
"Huh? Are you okay?" Koharu asked.
"I -I like you!! Will you go out with me?" Asahi finally asked.

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