Chapter 21

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~The day after the S4 selection~
Author's POV
Yume's phone rang but Yume just ignored it.
"Five more minutes.." Yume mumbled still half asleep.
Finally Yume got the energy to reach out for her phone and answer it.
"What?" She asks in an angry tone but still sleepy.
"Where are you?? You're 15 minutes late. Kisaragi-senpai is really angry." An annoyed Mahiru said.
"Kisaragi-senpai?" Yume mumbled to the phone.
"God! Yume! Kisaragi-senpai is about to show us stuff we have to prepare for next year since we're gonna be in the S4!" Mahiru shouted from the other line.
"Oh. Right. How could I forget?" Yume said getting out of bed with a rush.
"Same old Yume." Mahiru said.
"I'll be there in 10." Yume answered.
"Hurry up." Mahiru said and ended the call.
The second Mahiru ended the call. Yume rushed to the closet to get the uniform and then head to the bathroom. She finished getting in 10 minuets and rushed to the S4 dormitory.
The second she reached there she knocked the door many times quickly.
When the door opened Yume felt some dark aura coming from the person who opened the door.
"S-sorry." Yume said in a low tone.
"It's okay just make sure this doesn't happen again." She said but in a lower voice this time.
"Okay." Yume answered.
"Oh Yume you're finally here." Mahiru said walking up to where Yume is with Ako along side her.
They spent the next 5 hours or so doing what they had to start preparing.
Later Anna-sensei came to where the girls were and asked for Yume to go to the principal's office.

~the office~
"Hello Yume." The principal said.
"Hello principal moboroshi."(IDK is this how you write his name?)
"So why did you request to see me?" Yume asked.
"Well you see, there will be a new student tomorrow and I would like you to show her around the school. And you were a request from the girl herself."
"Okay I'll make sure to do that." Yume answered.
"I wonder who she is?" Yume murmured so no one would hear her.
"Oh that must be her. Come in." The principal said.
"Good afternoon principal moboroshi." The girl said. For some reason that voice was known to Yume.
"Koharu-chan!!!!" Yume said running to the girl and squeezing her in her hug.
"Yum... can't.... breath." Koharu breathes out.
"Oh sorry." Yume said letting go of her childhood friend.
"Well I see you two already know each other." The principal said.
"We're childhood friends." Koharu said.
"Well I guess the rest is up to you Yume. Make sure she feels welcome." The principal said turning his chair around to face the big window.
"Of course." Yume said opening the door going out following her is Koharu.
When the girls exited the office you can hear a small scream from Yume.
"Now let me start showing you around." Yume said.
"Ya." Koharu said.
Yume showed her around the whole school and the last place was the bridge where you can spot 4 figures Yume knows.
"Hello oni-san, Subaru, Asahi and Nozume-senpai." Yume said walking towards them with Koharu by her side.
"Hello Yume." Subaru said walking to her and kissing her cheek. You could see a small tick mark growing on Kanata's face.
"Hey Yume." The rest of M4 says.
"Hello Kanata. How have you been. Sorry we lost touch." Koharu said stepping closer so she could be seen, and the second she did that you could see a hint of pink on Asahi's cheeks. He might have thought no one saw it be all his friends in M4 saw it and will make a special time to tease him about it.
"Koharu. Is that you? Oh my god it's been so long since I last saw you!" Kanata exclaimed giving Koharu a hug and she returned it by hugging back.
"Kanata are you cheating on Ako, cuz if you are you need to get bandages ready for all the scratches she'll be giving you." Subaru said.
"No you see this is Koharu my childhood friend. She used to come and play in our house and Kanata would come and join us, but she moved to Italy about 3 years ago and Kanata and Koharu lost touch." Yume said.
M4 excluding Kanata nod their heads as a sign that they understand.
"By the way Yume can I talk to you in private please." Asahi said.
"Ya sure I guess." Yume answered walking behind Asahi to where he was going.
"Oh Koharu just wait here for me with the guys okay. It'll be quick okay." Yume shouted.

~with Yume and Asahi~
"So what did you want to talk about." Yume asked.
"Oh well you see... I kind of started to have a crush on Koharu, it's just like love at first sight, and your the only one that I could talk to about this because if I told the guys they wouldn't stop teasing me about it."
Asahi said.
"Oh just like you did with Kanata and Subaru when you knew they started dating Ako and I... but anyways sure. Maybe you would want her number so you could ask her to hang out with you sometime, but do not and I repeat do not ask her out until I tell you to, because when I see that your friendship bloomed and you guys are ready to date, that's when I'll tell you that you're okay with asking her out. Since she's a little... shy you see." Yume said getting her phone out and giving Asahi Koharu's number.
"Thank you so much Yume. Now let's get back there I don't want to get killed by Subaru for asking to talk alone with you." Asahi said.
"Oh don't worry, he won't do it. By the way have fun with the teasing coming your way." Yume said waving at Asahi good bye and walking to where they were standing.
"Ok bye guys." Yume said.
"Bye." The rest of M4 said.

~later with Yume and Koharu~
"So who was that brown haired boy? You guys seemed really close and in... love." Koharu said and Yume blushed.
"Oh you mean Subaru. That was my.... boyfriend." Yume answered her face still flushed.
"Really? You guys make such a cute couple." Koharu said.
"Y-ya. Oh and by the way what did you think of Asahi-senpai?" Yume asked.
"H-he's nice and cute." Koharu stuttered and her face was painted red.
"Someone's in looooove." Yume teased.
"W-we'll I'm not the one with the boyfriend." Koharu teased back. That left both her and Yume blushing madly.
They continued walking and teasing each other until they reached the gates of the school where Koharu's parents waited for her in the car.
"Well I'll see you tomorrow." Yume said.
"Ya sure." Koharu said getting into the car that her parents that came to pick her up in.
And with that the day ended.

What will happen between Koharu and Asahi?

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